dnauck / Portable.Licensing

Portable.Licensing is a cross platform software licensing framework which allows you to implement licensing into your application or library. It provides you all tools to create and validate licenses for your software.
MIT License
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Invalid Signature Validation #34

Closed thomasd3 closed 8 years ago

thomasd3 commented 8 years ago

I do not understand what I am doing wrong:

// make the keys
var KeyGenerator = Portable.Licensing.Security.Cryptography.KeyGenerator.Create();
var KeyPair = KeyGenerator.GenerateKeyPair();
var PrivateKey   = KeyPair.ToEncryptedPrivateKeyString(Common.ID_ENCRYPTION_KEY);
var PublicKey = KeyPair.ToPublicKeyString();

// make a license
var L = License.New()
    .WithProductFeatures(new Dictionary<string, string>  
        { "Generated on", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
        { "ComputerId", ComputerId }
    .CreateAndSignWithPrivateKey(PrivateKey, Common.ID_ENCRYPTION_KEY);

// save the license
using (var Writer = File.CreateText(LicenseFile))

// reload the license
var LicenseText = File.ReadAllText(LicenseFile, Encoding.UTF8);
var L1 = License.Load(LicenseText);

// validate it
var ValidationFailures = L1.Validate().Signature(PublicKey).AssertValidLicense();
foreach (var Failure in ValidationFailures)
    Console.WriteLine(Failure.GetType().Name + ": " + Failure.Message + " - " + Failure.HowToResolve);

If I do this, it works. Now, if I change the writing of the license to


and I paste the text as the license file (a.txt in my example), I get an invalid signature validation... I feel that I missed something very simple somewhere :)

thomasd3 commented 8 years ago

I found the problem was really something stupid on my end; you can remove this issue.

blackchineykh commented 8 years ago

Hi Thomas. I am having the same issue, Can you say what was the issue?

thomasd3 commented 8 years ago

In my test code I had the save / load of the license as two functions and I was re-creating the key in between. As the key has a salt, even with the same passphrase, each execution will create a different key.