dnault / therapi-runtime-javadoc

Read Javadoc comments at run time.
Apache License 2.0
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Resolves #61. Inherit missing javadoc components from overridden methods #64

Closed Sheikah45 closed 2 years ago

Sheikah45 commented 2 years ago

This adds javadoc from the overridden method in super class or interfaces if none is present on the declared method at runtime. When a class is extended and/or multiple interfaces are implemented with the same signature priority returned by the super-class first then the interfaces in the order they are declared as is done by the javadoc command line tool

One of the potentially main issues I was not able to figure out was how to preserve the parameter order when inheriting java doc when some of the params are on the overriding method and some on the overridden. We don't have guaranteed access to the param names at runtime which makes it difficult to discern true order. Currently the inherited params are just added to the end of the list.

If the java doc is not complete then the missing parts are inherited from the overridden methods as described here https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/javadoc/doc-comment-spec.html.

When loading a class javadoc all the methods are properly populated with inheritance. When loading just method javadoc only the necessary javadoc are loaded.

I changed the class javadoc to use a map in order to have more efficient method lookup. I left the getters to return list for the various components and the order is preserved from how they are inserted. It may be better to at some point change the return type to a collection as it can be a strict view, but at the moment this was not done in case dependent code expects a list.

Also something to consider is that in the annotation processor we erase all the type parameters so the param types of methods are limited to their bounds which can be seen on the generic method in Documented Class. However the javadoc tool actually preserves the generic type and bounds.

This did not cover the case of adding the javadoc from protected fields or parsing @ inheritdoc as I think these are a separate concern.

Let me know if you want any changes or see any holes.

Note this implementation does not require @ Override to be present on the method.

Note that when you generate javadoc for the VeryComplexImplementation it actually does not follow the algorithm provided [in the link.](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/javadoc/doc-comment-spec.html. It actually performs recursive search on the superclass first resulting in inheriting the javadoc for the fling method from DocumentedInterface rather than CompetingInterface as would be expected if the algorithm ran as described. So likely the order priority is something that changes with java versions unfortunately

Closes #61

Sheikah45 commented 2 years ago

@dnault Have you had a chance to look anymore at this?

dnault commented 2 years ago

Hi @Sheikah45. Thanks for the reminder. Hey @bbottema, would you be interested in handling this review, by any chance?

dnault commented 2 years ago

@Sheikah45 Review complete! Thanks for your patience. I imagine this PR took a lot of work, and I really appreciate it.

Sheikah45 commented 2 years ago

@dnault do you have an idea when this might be included in a release? It would be helpful on one of my projects.

dnault commented 2 years ago

@Sheikah45 Version 0.14.0 with your new feature was released today, and should be available in Maven Central shortly. Thank you!