dnbaker / dashing

Fast and accurate genomic distances using HyperLogLog
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Distance output formatting inconsistent - maybe output csv? #14

Closed olgabot closed 5 years ago

olgabot commented 5 years ago

Hello, When comparing 4 samples, the string output by dashing dist has 5 columns: ##Names (with a space!! in a tab-formatted file!! arhghghghgh) and the 4 sample names, which allows for easy parsing with pandas + StringIO:

screen shot 2019-01-24 at 8 12 23 am

However, when comparing 19 samples, somehow an extra column gets added to the output so ##Names is a column with all empty distances (-) and can be readily dropped, but the other columns are informative.

screen shot 2019-01-24 at 8 11 25 am

For these comparisons, I use a symmetric matrix and while it is redundant, it helps to clean up downstream calculations. To fully clean the matrix into a usable format for myself, this is my code:

from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

s = '''##Names  A11-MAA000577-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A1-MAA100039-3_11_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A10-B000971-3_39_F-1-1.fastq.gz A12-D041914-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz  A12-B001717-3_38_F-1-1.fastq.gz A1-MAA000487-3_10_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A10-B002775-3_39_F-1-1.fastq.gz A11-D041914-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz  A10-D041914-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz  A11-MAA100041-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A11-MAA100140-3_57_F-1-1.fastq.gz   A10-MAA000559-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A12-D042253-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz  A11-MAA000559-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A12-MAA000559-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A1-B002764-3_38_F-1-1.fastq.gz  A1-D042253-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz   A1-MAA000779-3_11_M-1-1.fastq.gz    A12-MAA000508-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz
A11-MAA000577-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -       0.057916    0.002939    0.022363    0.011671    0.094893    0.037217    0.075855    0.067865    0.064702    0.035617    0.004213    0.048542    0.016092    0.064480    0.032748    0.034813    0.013605    0.03673
A1-MAA100039-3_11_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -       0.036855    0.048998    0.045185    0.049695    0.055693    0.077198    0.066881    0.187610    0.030762    0.000000    0.072976    0.000000    0.030457    0.000835    0.070249    0.021217    0.03125
A10-B000971-3_39_F-1-1.fastq.gz -   -   -       0.028069    0.000000    0.052360    0.032645    0.042451    0.058878    0.037838    0.021614    0.000000    0.012244    0.017612    0.023235    0.035272    0.044574    0.014970    0.00000
A12-D041914-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz  -   -   -   -       0.001242    0.073876    0.073333    0.120622    0.080829    0.097877    0.035713    0.025949    0.063141    0.000000    0.064814    0.032029    0.045404    0.024794    0.02730
A12-B001717-3_38_F-1-1.fastq.gz -   -   -   -   -       0.023479    0.002168    0.057410    0.019085    0.036123    0.000000    0.010161    0.020215    0.033729    0.015095    0.025822    0.000000    0.012444    0.02335
A1-MAA000487-3_10_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -       0.020419    0.111309    0.117554    0.068591    0.049916    0.033270    0.081094    0.019418    0.061806    0.049051    0.074235    0.000000    0.04432
A10-B002775-3_39_F-1-1.fastq.gz -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.075102    0.097076    0.061366    0.023590    0.016296    0.067000    0.000000    0.054365    0.023102    0.067332    0.026361    0.02222
A11-D041914-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.132616    0.099790    0.048618    0.035936    0.110347    0.032366    0.060814    0.030843    0.085139    0.047918    0.03960
A10-D041914-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.085162    0.048054    0.055217    0.115842    0.055140    0.054070    0.028158    0.077156    0.049819    0.03790
A11-MAA100041-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.065413    0.047860    0.118932    0.045932    0.052743    0.027070    0.080519    0.019320    0.03535
A11-MAA100140-3_57_F-1-1.fastq.gz   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.043141    0.014001    0.013765    0.039060    0.055096    0.048396    0.009868    0.01870
A10-MAA000559-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.047940    0.014161    0.075492    0.014848    0.000000    0.036942    0.01477
A12-D042253-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.000517    0.051918    0.000000    0.095890    0.000000    0.03791
A11-MAA000559-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.009891    0.000000    0.019100    0.045230    0.00565
A12-MAA000559-3_8_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.012562    0.061699    0.041696    0.04132
A1-B002764-3_38_F-1-1.fastq.gz  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.039803    0.055432    0.05948
A1-D042253-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.014889    0.02094
A1-MAA000779-3_11_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -       0.03694
A12-MAA000508-3_9_M-1-1.fastq.gz    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -'''

# Read string as a file handle with StringIO
dashing_similarities = pd.read_table(StringIO(s), index_col=0)

# Put true NaNs into place
dashing_similarities = dashing_similarities.replace('-', np.nan)

# Force all data to be float (since there were '-'s before, these were interpreted as strings and the whole column was formatted as a string object)
dashing_similarities = dashing_similarities.astype(float)

# Remove uninformative column
dashing_similarities = dashing_similarities.drop(['##Names '], axis=1)

# Remove .fastq.gz from column name
dashing_similarities.columns = dashing_similarities.columns.str.split('.').str[0]

# Unify column and row name (index = row names in pandas)
dashing_similarities.index = dashing_similarities.columns

# Use upper triangle of matrix to fill lower triangle and make a symmetric matrix
data = np.triu(dashing_similarities) + np.triu(dashing_similarities).T

# Make a pandas dataframe with the symmetric matrix
dashing_similarities = pd.DataFrame(data, index=dashing_similarities.index, 

# Remaining NAs are on the diagonal, so replace with 1 since self-similarity is perfect
dashing_similarities = dashing_similarities.fillna(1)

# Show dataframe

And here's the reformatted dataframe:

screen shot 2019-01-24 at 9 03 11 am

To (hopefully) alleviate formatting issues, could it be possible to output a readily-formatted csv of the comparisons?

Since the pairwise distance matrices can get enormous, it could also be an option to output a "tidy" formatted table of the just the (n-1)^2/2 comparisons, instead of the whole n^2 matrix. For example, using dashing_similarities from above, one can reformat to a tidy data table of cell_a, cell_b and the similarity this way:

screen shot 2019-01-24 at 8 55 27 am

(This particular dataframe still includes the (n-1)^2 comparisons, but doesn't have to)

What do you think? Warmest, Olga

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the find. The extra tabs were a bug recently introduced while refactoring to support the PHYLIP upper triangular format. I've fixed this, along with the extra space in ##Names (though there was a tab as well; it shouldn't have broken field accessibility) as of https://github.com/dnbaker/dashing/commit/2ade3c4468c97ef2f5a4bcdc8586530bfd1dd927.

If you want the full matrix (without the - characters), another option is running dashing with -b enabled to emit in binary format, then running dashing printmat <output.bin> > full_matrix.tsv.

bede commented 5 years ago

Wow, this is timely. I've just lost a couple of hours to this. I'm also getting some decoding errors in the first line of output including some 0x8f chars. Looking into 2ade3c4.

bede commented 5 years ago

I'm still having problems with 2ade3c4 unfortunately on a collection of 473. In addition to the extra column, there are some unexpected characters prepended to each float on line 2 of the file.

Thanks for the workaround @olgabot :-)

screenshot 2019-01-25 at 12 53 53

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the check!

I'm a little surprised... I just tried with a set of 1000 synthetic sets, and checked the output manually, as well as with pandas.

In [5]: zomg = pandas.read_csv("dists.txt", sep='\t')

In [6]: zomg.head()
       ##Names fake/703.fa fake/690.fa fake/691.fa fake/692.fa fake/693.fa fake/694.fa     ...     fake/401.fa fake/402.fa fake/403.fa fake/404.fa fake/405.fa fake/406.fa fake/407.fa
0  fake/703.fa           -    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.023746     ...        0.000000    0.004951    0.008357    0.006508    0.000000    0.015152    0.000000
1  fake/690.fa           -           -    0.000000    0.011458    0.000000    0.000000     ...        0.013563    0.000000    0.002094    0.001062    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
2  fake/691.fa           -           -           -    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000     ...        0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
3  fake/692.fa           -           -           -           -    0.031205    0.000000     ...        0.020808    0.000000    0.012381    0.000000    0.000000    0.013682    0.000000
4  fake/693.fa           -           -           -           -           -    0.000000     ...        0.003485    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000

Looking for extra characters:

In [11]: ''.join(sorted(set(open("dists.txt").read())))
Out[11]: '\t\n#-./0123456789Naefkms'

("fake/fake[0-9]+.fa" and "##Names" are the source of the non-whitespace/dash/numeric characters, so this is as expected.)

Can you perhaps try building with https://github.com/dnbaker/dashing/commit/a09b133b2bf4dcdd4c4b9d373653f332016912a5 ? It shouldn't fix the problem, but maybe something was weird with git. In the meantime, I'll try to reproduce this on a different machine.

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Regarding a full TSV, I've added a -T flag to dashing dist in the fulltsv branch. You'll need to specify -O{table_path} (for the matrix), and the labels will be in a separate file called{table_path}.labels`, but the matrix will be fully filled-in.

dashing dist -TOouttable.tsv *.fa will then produce a matrix at outtable.tsv consisting of all pairwise jaccards (including both upper and lower triangular portions) and a set of labels at outtable.tsv.labels. This might be more convenient.

olgabot commented 5 years ago

Hah, glad to hear my pain helped others.

@bede - you can use pd.read_table directly, which alleviates the need to specify pd.read_csv(..., sep='\t')

@dnbaker thank you for the fix on the fulltsv branch! That is MUCH more convenient than saving to an unknown binary format and then reformatting. Would it be possible to create a "tidy" version as well? I routinely compare 10k+ samples, and reading those large square matrices with pandas often runs out of memory, but that "tidy"/database-style format would greatly reduce the friction in analysis.

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Can you explain what you mean by “tidy”? A set of k/v pairs? I’ve found mostly philosophical commentary rather than a standard for a format. I’d honestly wrap distmat in pybind11; the whole point is a memory-efficient (non-redundant) way to provide access to all entries without parsing. Would a quick wrapper for that purpose satisfy your needs instead? Plus, a float-formatted output would cut the size in half.

olgabot commented 5 years ago

Tidy data is a concept where each row in a table is a single observation, e.g. here where each row is a single similarity between cell_a and cell_b. It's very useful for doing a database-style join with metadata and aggregating statistics of similarities within- and across-celltype, which helps me evaluate how "correct" the similarity is.

Here's an example of reformatting a "wide" data matrix into a "tidy" version:

screen shot 2019-01-24 at 8 55 27 am
bede commented 5 years ago

Thanks @dnbaker for persisting with this. I'll see if I can reproduce at the weekend. I noticed that ~100 samples worked fine but 470 did not. Will do some more digging with the latest branch and report back.

a pairwise 'tidy data' table makes sense for a large matrix although I've yet to need one. If dealing with huge matrices then perhaps vanilla Pandas isn't the most appropriate tool anyway, @olgabot.

bede commented 5 years ago

Which flags should be set in order to use -T in the fulltsv branch? I received an unexpected argument error without -b, tried it and receive this failure at the writing step. Ubuntu 16, GCC 5.4

$ dashing dist -k 31 -p 5 -b -T an/dashing/kp_distances_k31.tsv -o an/dashing/kp_sizes_k31.txt data/kp_fastq/*.fq.trim.gz
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  [./bonsai/bonsai/include/encoder.h:void bns::Encoder<ScoreType>::for_each(const Functor&, const char*, kseq_t*) [with Functor = bns::dist_main(int, char**)::<lambda(bns::u64)>; ScoreType = bns::score::Lex]419] Could not open file at an/dashing/kp_distances_k31.tsv. Abort!
dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Does the folder an/dashing exist? It’s not able to open the file for writing.

bede commented 5 years ago

Yes. The process succesfully created an empty kp_sizes_k31.txt in the same directory.

Does the folder an/dashing exist? It’s not able to open the file for writing.

bede commented 5 years ago

Please ignore now deleted comment from a few minutes ago. Can reproduce above problem with different data. There are also sketches present in this dir. I'm unsure how dashing handles fastqs with corresponding sketches by default, so thought I would mention it. Let me know if you'd like a tgz to help reproduce. Same Ubuntu 16 & GCC 5.4 system.

bede@ndm.local@mmm-analysis1:~/sinking$ res/dashing_fulltsv/dashing dist -k 31 -p 4 -b -T an/dashing/ec_distances_k31.tsv -o an/dashing/ec_sizes_k31.txt data/ec_fastq/1*.fq.trim.gz
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  [./bonsai/bonsai/include/encoder.h:void bns::Encoder<ScoreType>::for_each(const Functor&, const char*, kseq_t*) [with Functor = bns::dist_main(int, char**)::<lambda(bns::u64)>; ScoreType = bns::score::Lex]419] Could not open file at an/dashing/ec_distances_k31.tsv. Abort!

Aborted (core dumped)
bede@ndm.local@mmm-analysis1:~/sinking$ res/dashing_fulltsv/dashing dist -k 31 -p 4 -b -T an/dashing/ec_distances_k31.tsv -o an/dashing/ec_sizes_k31.txt data/ec_fastq/2*.fq.trim.gz
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  [./bonsai/bonsai/include/encoder.h:void bns::Encoder<ScoreType>::for_each(const Functor&, const char*, kseq_t*) [with Functor = bns::dist_main(int, char**)::<lambda(bns::u64)>; ScoreType = bns::score::Lex]419] Could not open file at an/dashing/ec_distances_k31.tsv. Abort!

Aborted (core dumped)
dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Edit: I realized what the problem is. Dashing is trying to sketch from an/dashing/ec_distances_k31.tsv as if it's a fastq file. -T and -b don't take any arguments. You need to specify -O an/dashing/ec_distances_k31.tsv to write the table to that file; that's why it's the encoder, not the writer, that's throwing the error.

To answer your question on fastqs, dashing uses all kmers, including errors. These can be filtered for events that occur above a threshold in dashing sketch -n{min_count} with -N (to detect by whether or not {.fq,.fastq} is in the filename) or -B to treat all files as fastq. Apparently these options weren't propagated to dist; you'd currently run the same dist command after sketching, but specify -W to tell it to use the cached sketches from your sketching.

bede commented 5 years ago

Thanks. I thought it might be down to misuse of arguments. Great to hear that there is count thresholding – one less preprocessing step.

Is this TSV stuff likely to make it into master, or shall I stick with fulltsv?

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

First I wanted to make sure it wasn’t broken! I’m glad to hear it’s working! Let me add gz support and labels, and I’ll merge it in.

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Full TSV support, with labels and compressed output support as of https://github.com/dnbaker/dashing/commit/2a49601ed57d80278d2ce715c6dac4abe749f909. (Use -z flag [does not consume an argument] to specify writing to a compressed file.) It writes zstd-compressed if you ask for it.

@olgabot, mind if I close this?

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

I'm closing for now, but feel free to reopen it if there are further issues.

olgabot commented 5 years ago

late to the party! yes thank you for fixing

dnbaker commented 5 years ago

Thank you for making a valuable request! I think the final tsv output was a good change, and I appreciate you finding the extra column, which unacceptably broke downstream parsing.

bede commented 5 years ago

Thanks from me also : )