Open abrozek42 opened 1 month ago
Hi there,
I just got my AC ELWA 2 and of course, I tried to add it to HomeAssistant right away. I gave the range one lower and one higher as my device, so it was found and I could add it. However, there are not entities in the integration. Did I miss something?
Thanks, Alex
Hi Alex
I need more information. Could you please
Sorry for the problems...
same Problem?
ACTHOR not found! -> "404 Page not found" ->
{ "device":"ACTHOR", "acthor9s":2, "fwversion":"a0020900", "psversion":110, "p9sversion":102, "fsetup":0, "screen_mode_flag":0, "power_act":null, "power_solar_act":null, "power_grid_act":null, "power_ac9":0, "power_solar_ac9":0, "power_grid_ac9":0, "power1_solar":0, "power1_grid":0, "power2_solar":0, "power2_grid":0, "power3_solar":0, "power3_grid":0, "load_state":" 1:1 2:1 3:1", "load_nom":0, "rel1_out":"0001", "pump_pwm":0, "temp1":447, "temp2":null, "temp3":null, "temp4":null, "boostactive":0, "legboostnext":"null", "date":"31.10.24", "loctime":"09:35:13", "unixtime":1730363713, "wp_flag":0, "wp_time1_ctr":0, "wp_time2_ctr":0, "wp_time3_ctr":0, "schicht_flag":0, "act_night_flag":0, "ctrlstate":"Conn. to my-PV Meter. P=1005", "blockactive":0, "error_state":0, "meter1_id":2302210456, "meter1_ip":"", "meter2_id":null, "meter2_ip":"null", "meter3_id":null, "meter3_ip":"null", "meter4_id":null, "meter4_ip":"null", "meter5_id":null, "meter5_ip":"null", "meter6_id":null, "meter6_ip":"null", "meter_ss":100, "meter_ssid":"FRITZ!Box", "surplus":-1005, "m0sum":-1005, "m0l1":null, "m0l2":null, "m0l3":null, "m0bat":null, "m1sum":null, "m1l1":null, "m1l2":null, "m1l3":null, "m1devstate":null, "m2sum":null, "m2l1":null, "m2l2":null, "m2l3":null, "m2soc":null, "m2state":null, "m2devstate":null, "m3sum":null, "m3l1":null, "m3l2":null, "m3l3":null, "m3soc":null, "m3devstate":null, "m4sum":null, "m4l1":null, "m4l2":null, "m4l3":null, "m4devstate":null, "ecarstate":"null", "ecarboostctr":null, "mss2":"null", "mss3":"null", "mss4":"null", "mss5":"null", "mss6":"null", "mss7":"null", "mss8":"null", "mss9":"null", "mss10":"null", "mss11":"null", "volt_mains":236, "curr_mains":0, "volt_L2":1, "curr_L2":0, "volt_L3":1, "curr_L3":0, "volt_out":0, "freq":49982, "temp_ps":345, "fan_speed":0, "ps_state":7, "cur_ip":"", "cur_sn":"", "cur_gw":"", "cur_dns":"", "fwversionlatest":"a0021702", "psversionlatest":111, "p9sversionlatest":102, "upd_state":1, "upd_files_left":0, "ps_upd_state":1, "p9s_upd_state":0, "cloudstate":4, "debug_ip":"" }
I rewrote the configuration process to take only one ip address. For ac thor devices the call to "" seems to fail. If this happens, control is disabled, only sensor values appear as HA entities.
Maybe the device needs to be configured to html control prior to initialization in this integration: In “Erweiterte Geräteeinstellungen” (Advanced Device Settings), “Steuerungs-Einstellungen” (Control Settings) set “Ansteuerungs-Typ” (Control Type) to html.
Please feel encouraged to report any problems or additional suggestions
My AC ELWA-E 1 ( is also not found. It has the latest firmware installed - there is no advanced configuration option to set the “Ansteuerungs-Typ” (Control Type) to html.
Arghhh, just realised that I installed the wrong AddOn... I used - before the HA rebuild - which works with the "AC ELWA-E 1"...
Hi there,
I just got my AC ELWA 2 and of course, I tried to add it to HomeAssistant right away. I gave the range one lower and one higher as my device, so it was found and I could add it. However, there are not entities in the integration. Did I miss something?
Thanks, Alex