Open adigladi opened 1 year ago
Can you share flutter-icon.svg as well?
same issue for me, using impeller too. without colorFilter:
with colorFilter (blendMode - srcIn)
right fringe of icon is cutted a lil bit used file:
Same issue here. NOt sure its an Impeller issue though, since i'm running on Android (Flutter 3.10.1). Here is my svg:
<svg width="25" height="24" viewBox="0.5 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
<mask id="path-1-inside-1_922_5843" fill="white">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M23.2818 12H14.5C13.3954 12 12.5 12.8954 12.5 14V20.3739L6.74175 23.805C6.52085 23.9405 6.26455 24.0081 6.00507 23.9992C5.7456 23.9904 5.49453 23.9056 5.2835 23.7554C5.07247 23.6052 4.91088 23.3963 4.81907 23.1551C4.72726 22.9139 4.70933 22.6512 4.76754 22.3999L6.38247 15.0256L0.986284 10.5699C0.784114 10.4068 0.635205 10.1878 0.558442 9.94057C0.481678 9.69339 0.480519 9.42916 0.555068 9.18131C0.629616 8.93346 0.776544 8.71313 0.977246 8.54825C1.17795 8.38337 1.42338 8.28138 1.68251 8.25512L8.51854 7.48396L11.8089 0.743523C11.8839 0.587706 11.9892 0.448195 12.1188 0.333037C12.2484 0.21788 12.3997 0.129366 12.5639 0.07261C12.7281 0.0158538 12.9021 -0.0080221 13.0756 0.00236753C13.2492 0.0127572 13.419 0.057185 13.5752 0.13312C13.8443 0.260806 14.0612 0.476253 14.1898 0.743523L17.4801 7.48396L24.3175 8.25512C24.5766 8.28138 24.8221 8.38337 25.0228 8.54825C25.2235 8.71313 25.3704 8.93346 25.4449 9.18131C25.5195 9.42916 25.5183 9.69339 25.4416 9.94057C25.3648 10.1878 25.2159 10.4068 25.0137 10.5699L23.2818 12Z"/>
<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M23.2818 12H14.5C13.3954 12 12.5 12.8954 12.5 14V20.3739L6.74175 23.805C6.52085 23.9405 6.26455 24.0081 6.00507 23.9992C5.7456 23.9904 5.49453 23.9056 5.2835 23.7554C5.07247 23.6052 4.91088 23.3963 4.81907 23.1551C4.72726 22.9139 4.70933 22.6512 4.76754 22.3999L6.38247 15.0256L0.986284 10.5699C0.784114 10.4068 0.635205 10.1878 0.558442 9.94057C0.481678 9.69339 0.480519 9.42916 0.555068 9.18131C0.629616 8.93346 0.776544 8.71313 0.977246 8.54825C1.17795 8.38337 1.42338 8.28138 1.68251 8.25512L8.51854 7.48396L11.8089 0.743523C11.8839 0.587706 11.9892 0.448195 12.1188 0.333037C12.2484 0.21788 12.3997 0.129366 12.5639 0.07261C12.7281 0.0158538 12.9021 -0.0080221 13.0756 0.00236753C13.2492 0.0127572 13.419 0.057185 13.5752 0.13312C13.8443 0.260806 14.0612 0.476253 14.1898 0.743523L17.4801 7.48396L24.3175 8.25512C24.5766 8.28138 24.8221 8.38337 25.0228 8.54825C25.2235 8.71313 25.3704 8.93346 25.4449 9.18131C25.5195 9.42916 25.5183 9.69339 25.4416 9.94057C25.3648 10.1878 25.2159 10.4068 25.0137 10.5699L23.2818 12Z" fill="black"/>
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<rect x="14" y="14.5" width="10" height="1" rx="0.5" fill="black" stroke="#FFFF40"/>
<rect x="14" y="22.5" width="10" height="1" rx="0.5" fill="black" stroke="#FFFF40"/>
<rect x="14" y="18.5" width="10" height="1" rx="0.5" fill="black" stroke="#FFFF40"/>
@jonahwilliams these appear to be the pipeline blends...?
Can you share flutter-icon.svg as well?
Here you go:
This looks like another subpass UV mapping issue. There's another open UV mapping issue which may or may not wind up being the same codepath. We should keep this reproduction in mind when triaging it:
same issue for me, using impeller too. without colorFilter: with colorFilter (blendMode - srcIn) right fringe of icon is cutted a lil bit used file:
the same icon, and the same bug here
facing the same issue!
same here! any idea or opinion?
Same issue
same issue
I have seen multiple reports of this issue, but I cannot reproduce it on my iPhone or macOS desktop with Impeller enabled on a recent commit of Flutter.
@dnfield try different size values. In my case, for some int length values, I see artifacts, for some they render correctly.
If you could share a reproduction with the SVG and size values and device information that would be helpful.
Any updates on this?
It is rendering correctly only with the build argument --no-enable-impeller
. Any updates?
facing same issue with flutter 3.13.9
Any updates?
any updates?
My current hot fix is to wrap the child with a Transform.scale like shown below. I believe you can play around with the scale to get a better or worse result but this works for me for now. I hope this will be fixed soon.
Transform.scale( scale: 0.999, child: child, )
thanks, @simonNEON that actually helped 👍
If you could share a reproduction with the SVG and size values and device information that would be helpful.
@dnfield Try this icon:
<svg width="27" height="26" viewBox="0 0 27 26" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M13.0195 24.3408C6.9502 24.3408 1.92285 19.3242 1.92285 13.2441C1.92285 7.1748 6.93945 2.14746 13.0088 2.14746C19.0889 2.14746 24.1162 7.1748 24.1162 13.2441C24.1162 19.3242 19.0889 24.3408 13.0195 24.3408ZM7.7666 13.2549C7.7666 13.8672 8.20703 14.2969 8.83008 14.2969H11.9668V17.4443C11.9668 18.0566 12.3965 18.4971 13.0088 18.4971C13.6318 18.4971 14.0723 18.0566 14.0723 17.4443V14.2969H17.2197C17.832 14.2969 18.2725 13.8672 18.2725 13.2549C18.2725 12.6318 17.832 12.1914 17.2197 12.1914H14.0723V9.04395C14.0723 8.43164 13.6318 7.98047 13.0088 7.98047C12.3965 7.98047 11.9668 8.43164 11.9668 9.04395V12.1914H8.83008C8.20703 12.1914 7.7666 12.6318 7.7666 13.2549Z" fill="white" style="fill:white;fill:white;fill-opacity:1;"/>
With the following size and filter it gets clipped on the bottom/right corners:
width: 15,
colorFilter: const ColorFilter.mode(
Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, 0.38),
Flutter: 3.19.4 Device: iPhone 15 Pro 17.4 Simulator Xcode: 15.4
Updated Flutter in our project and noticed that some svgs weren't rendering correctly with impeller now enabled. It seems like it is the svgs with a colorFilter applied that look weird.
See image below (with the flutter logo used, the svgs in our project looks worse but I can't share them unfortunately):
The icon on top uses a color filter and looking at the left edges there seems to be some aliasing. The lower icon has no color filter and is rendering correctly.
Here's also a sample which shows the issue (a svg path needs to be provided though):