dngoins / Kinectv2HeartRate

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The JADE package is not automatically installed #1

Closed wldevries closed 9 years ago

wldevries commented 9 years ago

I had to install it manually in the R console using the command install.packages("JADE")

dngoins commented 9 years ago

In the InitializeR() function in the WPF application, JADE is installed when the .Net R engine proxy is initialized. It assumes you have connectivity to the network. However you can move the install.packages("JADE") command to the script, I just found that sometimes that takes longer to execute and process so I move it outside of the script and into the startup process.

After you manually install it you must load it up in your session with the R command: library(JADE)


cefoot commented 9 years ago

I had to change the Line:

engine.Evaluate("install.packages('JADE', repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/JADE_1.9-92.zip'")

to this line:

engine.Evaluate("install.packages('JADE', repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')")

than it worked for me ;)

dngoins commented 9 years ago

Oh yes the repository url. I was using the Azure ML R repository URL, because I wanted to see how well the results tested in Azure ML. The one above from cefoot is the standard one for R-Studio.

Thank you cefoot.

cefoot commented 9 years ago

you're welcome! And thank you for the great example! ;D