dngoins / Kinectv2HeartRate

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jade package is not find #5

Open minhkhue opened 9 years ago

minhkhue commented 9 years ago

as the title mentioned, i receive this error when generating a solution.

engine.Evaluate("install.packages('JADE', repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/bin/windows/contrib/3.2/JADE_1.9-92.zip'"); engine.Evaluate("library(JADE)");

Thanks for your return.

AndyWDev commented 9 years ago

I had something similar for the windows version. My solution was to install R for windows (I used 3.2.0 64 bit) and then to install Jade using Packages.Install Packages. I leave the R environment running when I run the Kinect app although not sure this is required.

minhkhue commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion. May I have your full command line for installing Jade in R environnement ?

cefoot commented 9 years ago

Please have a look at this: https://github.com/dngoins/Kinectv2HeartRate/issues/1

minhkhue commented 9 years ago

Oh, how can i forget this :D i'll try

minhkhue commented 9 years ago

For information, thanks to #AndyWDev guideline, i can now install R and Jade correctly, then compile successfully a solution. Howerver, the app runs but no rate is captured. The .csv file contains only the null value. I hope that someone can share the experiences use with application . Here are mine :

dngoins commented 9 years ago

Make sure you don't have other usb devices that could be hindering your throughput from the kinect device such that the color streams are not producing values properly. Another thing to check would be to look at your permissions for the current executing folder where the .csv files are being generated. Make sure you have full permissions there. As far as the best distance - as close as possible within Kinect limits. By default the application uses 30 seconds to capture as many frames as possible to generate the rate. This code can be extended to include a sliding rate.

minhkhue commented 9 years ago

I try to replace the colour data by writing other, such as in the HeartNormRate_r61.csv in Debug solution, in the running .csv. I got as well as a filled .csv but... when the .R file is invoked, an error is raised with the JADE function. So, there are 2 main questions that i cannot yet satisy :

  1. Why aren't the colour data recorded ? I'm sure that we need to look into the record_data function. The problem is not at de level of port usb or user's writting right..
  2. Even when the current csv file is filled data, why the exception of JADE function in .R file is also raised ?
dngoins commented 8 years ago

If the colour data isn't being written check to see if your color source is properly running with Kinect using one of the Kinect Samples applications that come with the Kinect SDK. If still no color feed check your video car drivers and make sure they are the latest for your windows build.

As far as the JADE algorithm what errors are you getting?