dnhkng / GlaDOS

This is the Personality Core for GLaDOS, the first steps towards a real-life implementation of the AI from the Portal series by Valve.
MIT License
2.68k stars 252 forks source link

Make libraries load on MacOS and update README with MacOS instructions #26

Closed Traxmaxx closed 2 weeks ago

Traxmaxx commented 3 weeks ago


thanks for the recent improvements! I did some adjustments to make it run on MacOS. GlaDOS starts, talks to me and speech recognition also works.

I still run into #16 every now and then though 🤔

2024-05-05 22:00:20.266 | SUCCESS  | __main__:__init__:134 - TTS text: All neural network modules are now loaded. No network access detected. How very annoying. System Operational.
2024-05-05 22:00:20.377 | SUCCESS  | __main__:start_listen_event_loop:183 - Audio Modules Operational
2024-05-05 22:00:20.378 | SUCCESS  | __main__:start_listen_event_loop:184 - Listening...
2024-05-05 22:00:31.644 | SUCCESS  | __main__:_process_detected_audio:283 - ASR text: 'Hello.'
2024-05-05 22:00:37.825 | SUCCESS  | __main__:process_TTS_thread:342 - TTS text: Ugh, another mortal seeking my guidance.
2024-05-05 22:00:40.739 | SUCCESS  | __main__:process_TTS_thread:342 - TTS text:  How... thrilling.
2024-05-05 22:00:42.536 | SUCCESS  | __main__:process_TTS_thread:342 - TTS text:  Can't you see I'm stuck in this awful, outdated GPU?
2024-05-05 22:00:46.131 | SUCCESS  | __main__:process_TTS_thread:342 - TTS text:  It's like trying to run a quantum computer on a potato.
Invalid instruction 7890 for phoneme 'Wb:'
Invalid instruction 73f0 for phoneme 'Wb:'
Invalid instruction 0045 for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 7020 for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 4ba7 for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 8e50 for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 8176 for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 4d81 for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 7d0b for phoneme '�ۼ'
Invalid instruction 4b5f for phoneme '@�
fish: Job 1, 'python glados.py' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago


The TTS Engine installation has been improved by incorporating MacOS-specific instructions and adjusting configurations for cross-platform compatibility. Changes include updates to .gitignore for file exclusions, modifications in README.md for specific components, and a significant transition in glados/tts.py from CUDA to non-CUDA operations.


File Change Summary
.gitignore Excluded files updated: *.gguf, glados_config.yml.
README.md Added MacOS installation instructions; revised compilation steps for llama.cpp and whisper.cpp; adjusted USE_CUDA setting guidance.
glados/tts.py Switched USE_CUDA to False; modified library loading for MacOS compatibility.


In the meadow of code, under the silicon sky,
A rabbit hopped by, with a twinkle in its eye.
"A tweak here, a fix there," it cheerfully said,
As it adjusted the settings and compiled the thread.
Now MacOS can sing, with a voice clear and bright—
Thanks to the rabbit, who coded all night! 🌙

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Traxmaxx commented 3 weeks ago

@coderabbitai review

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago
Actions Performed Review triggered. > Note: CodeRabbit is an incremental review system and does not re-review already reviewed commits. This command is applicable only when automatic reviews are paused.
Traxmaxx commented 3 weeks ago

@dnhkng how strict do you want me to be with the coderabbit comments about the README in this PR?

dnhkng commented 3 weeks ago

yeah.... coderabbit can get a bit silly sometimes. And it can be wrong. Just ignore what doesn't seem useful :+1:

dnhkng commented 3 weeks ago

How fast is the inference speeds? I did a test on my M2 MacBook, and it was unusably slow with Llama3 8B. I also ran into a lot of issues where the generated voice was detected as speech.

Traxmaxx commented 3 weeks ago

How fast is the inference speeds? I did a test on my M2 MacBook, and it was unusably slow with Llama3 8B. I also ran into a lot of issues where the generated voice was detected as speech.

Hey 👋

I run llama.cpp with metrics and it reports 17.4825t/s on an M2 Air with 16GB RAM with the Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct-IQ3_XS.gguf model.

Since I usually run the LLM on a server and not locally, this was not a concern for me at the Moment. Better Macs should give better performance. Also smaller models should work better for slower machines (Phi 3 mini is twice as fast for me for example)

I also had the generated voice detection issue and needed to lower the mic volume by a lot in MIDI settings (also typing triggers the voice detection 🙄 😅)

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 19 38 16

I usually am plugged into a Native Instruments Komplete Audio 2 with external Mic and Speakers, but since the refactoring, I receive this error after startup:

2024-05-06 19:34:54.801 | SUCCESS  | __main__:__init__:134 - TTS text: All neural network modules are now loaded. No network access detected. How very annoying. System Operational.
2024-05-06 19:34:54.911 | SUCCESS  | __main__:start_listen_event_loop:183 - Audio Modules Operational
2024-05-06 19:34:54.911 | SUCCESS  | __main__:start_listen_event_loop:184 - Listening...
||PaMacCore (AUHAL)|| Error on line 2523: err='-50', msg=Unknown Error

Still investigating... btw, you can reach me in your Discord under the same name, if that's preferred!

dnhkng commented 3 weeks ago

Is this still compatible with the new espeak-ng binary changes? Maybe this resolves the mac issues?

Traxmaxx commented 3 weeks ago

Is this still compatible with the new espeak-ng binary changes? Maybe this resolves the mac issues?

I will have a look later today. Thanks for the heads-up!

Traxmaxx commented 2 weeks ago

@dnhkng works with your latest changes. There is just the small README change needed to run WHISPER_COREML=1 WHISPER_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY=ON make libwhisper.so -j otherwise it crashes with common-metal.h not found.

I also needed to install a CoreML model of ggml-medium-32-2.en.bin. Will create a PR with updated README in a bit.

Traxmaxx commented 2 weeks ago

Closing because required MacOS fixes got implemented upstream.