dnl-blkv / mcdowell-cv

A Nice-looking CV template made into LaTeX
MIT License
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Added option for a4paper size and adjust vspace accordingly #5

Closed drFerg closed 2 years ago

drFerg commented 7 years ago

Thanks for latexing this template. I needed a4 size paper so I fixed issue #1 .

dnl-blkv commented 7 years ago

@fergul Should've started with it, but better late than never: thanks for the contribution! It is very much appreciated.

drFerg commented 7 years ago

@dnl-blkv No problem, I absolutely agree. I didn't have much time and took my path of least resistance - thinking those were the only real two paper size choices :P. Unfortunately I don't think I will have much time in the near future to act upon your suggestions.

goseind commented 2 years ago

@fergul @dnl-blkv is there any chance this is getting fixed? Would be greatly appreciated, if A4 would work.

dnl-blkv commented 2 years ago

@fergul @goseind merged :)

dnl-blkv commented 2 years ago

Hope it works xD Don't have a LaTeX setup to test it right now...

goseind commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the very late reply, I've now tested it and it works! Thanks very much 😄