dnl-blkv / mcdowell-cv

A Nice-looking CV template made into LaTeX
MIT License
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Add setting for header proportion #6

Open dnl-blkv opened 7 years ago

dnl-blkv commented 7 years ago

How to Reproduce

  1. Type in very long address, contacts or name

What Should Happen

  1. There is a way to adjust header for long address or contacts (or name) by setting the address-to-name-to-contacts width ratio.

What Happens

  1. There is no way to control the address-to-name-to-contacts width ratio and therefore the long address, contacts or name are wrapped
JorgeCarmo commented 5 years ago

I was able to fix it by adding -0.5 before the center tag in the middle column.


        \begin{tabu} to 1\textwidth { X[l,m] X[2,c,m] X[r,m] }
            \printaddress & \printname & \printcontacts \\


        \begin{tabu} to 1\textwidth { X[l,m] X[2,-0.5c,m] X[r,m] }
            \printaddress & \printname & \printcontacts \\

I'm guessing it depends on the name size but the number before the left/center/right tag defines the size to increase/decrease the columns.