dnmilne / wikipediaminer

An open source toolkit for mining Wikipedia
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Jetty Database Configuration #2

Open Neuw84 opened 10 years ago

Neuw84 commented 10 years ago

When the Wikiminer war gets undeployed, or when there is an error the JettyDatabase stays locked. Mayve using ServletContextListener class we could unlock the Database before that.

dnmilne commented 10 years ago

Do you mean the Berkeley Database?

Neuw84 commented 10 years ago

Yes, The Berkley Database. When the web application crashes for any reason if you try to deploy another war (for example with a fix), you need to restart the Web Application Server (in my case) as the database stays locked. Maybe using the ServletContextListener (when the application or servlet gets destroyed, undeployed....) the database can be unlocked before that. Is a very small improvement in the code but should be a few lines of code, will some research on this and post the results