The Superfish menu provider within DNN does not function properly in most recent versions of the platform.
As outlined by the 4th and 5th posts within the following thread, we have a resolution from Manfred Makosch which Daniel Valadas has now requested that we raise as an issue so that it can be put into the main release.
If you also want the hovereffect in Edit mode after login, you must replace old versions (1.5.1) of "jquery.hoverIntent.min.js" with newer ones (1.9.0):
Description of bug
The Superfish menu provider within DNN does not function properly in most recent versions of the platform.
As outlined by the 4th and 5th posts within the following thread, we have a resolution from Manfred Makosch which Daniel Valadas has now requested that we raise as an issue so that it can be put into the main release.
The fix is as follows:
Many Thanks
Scott Jones