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Add Razor Pages Module Pipeline #2599

Open SkyeHoefling opened 5 years ago

SkyeHoefling commented 5 years ago

Living Document

This document is a living document and will be edited as we get feedback from community members to refine the Spec

Description of problem

There is no easy way to migrate DNN to .NET Core as Web.Forms does not exist in .NET Core. Adding support for a Razor Pages Module will support this soft migration path.

Description of solution

Add a new Module Pipeline that will be a carbon copy of .NET Core Razor Pages into the DNN Platform. The goal of this new module pipeline will to be use the EXACT same .zip installer and module code for both DNN on .NET Framework and DNN on .NET Core which will allow module developers to migrate their modules once to Razor Pages and they should work on their .NET version of DNN.

Please read the spec below for implementation details and the plan of action (which we can discuss in the comments)

The Spec

DNN Razor Pages will follow as close as we possibly can to feature parity with .NET Core Razor Pages. If you are unfamiliar with how it works please take a look at the docs from Microsoft. Every item in the Spec is a design element that is pulled from the Razor Pages implementation in .NET Core and our Proof of Concept of DNN running in .NET Core

DNN Manifest File

A minor update to the Module Loading pipeline will be needed in the ModuleControlFactory to allow a new type of file .razorpages.

Snippet Example Manifest:

    <controlKey />
    <iconFile />
    <helpUrl />

Module Control Properties

Property Description
controlSrc The path to the root index.cshtml starting from the DesktopModules Folder

note: This isn't the final spec as this is the module manifest from the existing mvc/razor pages implementation which is subject to change.

The View aka Razor Page

The view is a .cshtml Razor Page. The exact same razor syntax that you see in Razor Modules or MVC Modules. Razor Syntax (the code of a .cshtml page) is a combination of C# and HTML.

Simple View

@model HelloWorld


Directives The top of the Razor Page has several directives that are required for the page to work correctly in DNN Razor Pages

Directive Description MVP Plan
@page Required at the top of every Razor Page to tell the runtime that the page is using Razor Pages instead of MVC or other framework Must Have
@using Includes a .NET namespace to be using in the C# code included in the Razor Page Must Have
@model Binds the specific Model to the view which allows the use of @Model syntax to retrieve values of the model's properties Must Have
@inject Injects different services or objects that are registered with the Razor Pages Dependency Injection Provider Nice to Have

View Context Utilities The DNN Platform has special utility libraries that are used throughout the different module platforms to make DNN specific API calls easier for the module developer.

API Utility Description
DnnUrlHelper Manages DNN specific URLs and routing
TBD We need feedback on required view context APIs

The Page Model

The Page Model is NOT a code behind

Every *.cshtml file in Razor Pages modules will have a corresponding *.cshtml.cs file which will inherit a DnnPageModel the base class will provide access to critical DNN, .NET Framework and .NET Core APIs depending on the runtime environment.

The Page Model simplifies binding a model to a view similar to how you would do it in MVC but with less convention based programming. The Page Model can have any number of properties on it that can be bound in the View using Razor Syntax. The properties can be assigned at Page Model Construction time or using different HTTP Handlers that are implemented in the Razor Pages spec.

Handlers Razor Pages requires several different HTTP Handles that execute depending on the type of HTTP Method that is invoked by the client. This allows the Page Model to execute different code depending on the type of action the user is trying to accomplish. For example if the user is just trying to retrieve data the module may have a HTTP GET Method implemented on their Page Model

Handler Route Example Description MVP Plan
GET https://localhot.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/index The basic GET HTTP Request Handler to populate the model at request time Must Have
PUT https://localhot.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/index TBD Won't Have
POST https://localhot.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/index The POST HTTP Request Handler to submit data to the Page Model using [BindableProperty] Must Have
DELETE https://localhot.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/index TBD Won't Have

Routing Table A Razor Pages module can have many pages which have many routing features. The table below documents how the folder structure in a Razor Pages Module will map to the DNN Routes

File Path Matching URL
/Pages/Index.cshtml https://localhost.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/ or https://localhost/dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/Index
/Pages/Contact.cshtml https://localhost.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/Contact
/Pages/Store/Contact.cshtml https://localhost.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/Store/Contact
/Pages/Store/Index.cshtml https://localhost.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/Store or https://localhost.dnndev.me/MyModulePage/ModuleId/1234/Store/Index

HTTP GET Page Model

public class HelloWorldModel : DnnPageModel
    public string Message { get; private set; } = "PageModel in C#";

    public IDnnActionResult OnGet()
        Message += $" Server time is { DateTime.Now }";

Async Handler Methods HTTP GET Page Model

public class HelloWorldModel : DnnPageModel
    public string Message { get; private set; } = "PageModel in C#";

    public async Task<IDnnActionResult> OnGetAsync()
        // Simulate Service call
        await Task.Delay(100);

        Message += $" Server time is { DateTime.Now }";

HTTP Post Page Model

public class HelloWorldModel : DnnPageModel
    public Customer Customer { get; set; }

    public async Task<IDnnActionResult> OnPostAsync()
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return Page();

        // Simulate a database save
        await Task.Delay(100);

        return RedirectToPage("/Index");

DNN Base Classes

DnnPageModel The DnnPageModel provides a shared implementation of the .NET Core PageModel that will work in .NET Framework and .NET Core. This is the expected Model that the DNN Module Pipeline expects when the module is loading. If this file doesn't inherit from this class the Module will not load correctly. The DnnPageModel includes DNN specific APIs for URLs, HTTP and DNN.

An example of what the abstract base class may look like

public abstract class DnnPageModel
    protected DnnHelper Dnn { get; private set; }
    protected HtmlHelper Html { get; private set; }
    protected UrlHelper Url { get; private set; }

To get an idea on what the cross-platform DnnPageModel may look at take a look at the Proof of Concept I wrote last year. DnnPageModel. Be advised that this Proof of Concept did not implement the Razor Pages spec correctly so the code may not 100% be copied into the final solution.

Required Methods/APIs

Method/Property Name Status Description
ViewData Must Have
PageContext Must Have
HttpContext Must Have
Request Must Have
Url Must Have
RouteData Must Have
ModelState Must Have Handles model validation
User Must Have
Response Must Have
TempData Must Have
BadRequest() Must Have
Challenge() Must Have
Content() Must Have
File() Must Have
Forbid() Must Have
NotFound() Must Have
OnPageHandler() Must Have
Page() Must Have Returns the default OnGet() HTTP Handler
RedirectToAction() Must Have
RedirectToPage() Must Have
SignIn() Research
SignOut() Research
Unauthorized() Must Have
Redirect() Must Have

DnnBindProperty (Attribute) Provides the DNN Wrapper for binding properties to be used on POST HTTP requests. This needs to be included as a wrapper as the behavior doesn't exist in .NET Framework.

IDnnActionResult This is kind of an unknown at this point as this has been used with different names and purposes throughout the MVC pattern and the Proof of Concept.

This is a placeholder that needs to be flushed out more and how it will work between .NET Framework and .NET Core.

Dependency Injection

This is a placeholder and needs to be flushed out. It will not be included in the 9.4 release

Razor Modules vs. Razor Pages Modules

With the addition of a new Module Pipeline we will now have 2 module types that have very similar names and it will be our job as Open Source Maintainers to document this as best as we can. I am open to ideas on reducing the confusion here but I don't see any way around calling this new module pattern Razor Pages Modules as this is the name Microsoft uses.

Razor Modules are an existing Module Pipeline that uses a simple .cshtml or .vbhtml view and optionally a model binding. See "Why can't we use Razor Modules?" below for more info on why we can't use it

If you want more information on the existing Razor Module Platform take a look at the DotNetNuke.Web.Razor library in the Platform Code

Description of alternatives considered

This was originally an effort that I undertook in March of 2018 and was put on hold for several reasons. By taking our time considering how the implementation works we have learned quite a bit. The initial implementation was written as a fork of the MVC Module Platform which I don't think is appropriate anymore.

The new Razor Pages Module Platform will be a combination of the Razor Module Platform and the MVC Module Platform as they both have things that will be needed to accomplish this. The code we originally wrote in 2018 will still be useful, but some things will not be.

Take a look at what we did last year:

Again, some of this code will be re-used and some of it will be scrapped as we work towards a lean Razor Pages implementation in DNN.

Why can't we use Razor Modules?

I am glad you asked why can't we just use the existing Razor Modules that already exist in DNN today. This is a great question and I asked myself this as I was researching the DNN Module Pipeline.

Razor Modules are tightly coupled to several System.Web objects and will not work in a .NET Core implementation. Since there are many modules in the field that use Razor Modules I believe it is best to not create any breaking change for them.

The Razor Module pattern will be leveraged as it has the building blocks for completing a Razor Pages Module Pipeline

Migration Plan

Razor Modules

2613 Deprecates the existing Razor Module pattern. As we move forward with the spec and the implementation, we will document here how to migrate from an existing Razor Module to Razor Pages.


Not Applicable

Additional context

Add any other context about the feature that may be helpful with implementation.

Affected version

Affected browser

Implementation Plan

The plan is to create the Razor Pages Module Platform as an Experimental Feature Toggle for DNN 9.4 and have it turned off by default. This will allow developers to start testing it out and provide feedback as soon as possible.

  <add key="Experimental:RazorPages" value="false" />

When you turn on Razor Pages it will disable existing razor modules since the ControlSrc conflict

When we have determined Razor Pages is production ready we will remove the feature toggle

Linked Work Items

This new feature may be too large to complete in one Pull Request and we should break it down to Linked Work Items to make it more manageable. As we create the linked work items we should add to the table below

Work Item # Target Release Completed
#2613 9.3.1 PR Submitted #2618
#2615 9.4.0 PR Submitted #2644
#2637 9.3.1 PR Submitted #2638