dnplus / streamlit-oauth

Simple OAuth Component for Streamlit App
MIT License
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'read error' after authorizing in Popup on streamlit cloud #36

Closed MaraHochstein closed 2 months ago

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

I already posted the details on the streamlit forum: see topic

I think this problem is tied to streamlit cloud (there is another closed topic with the same error here)

minimum reproducable code that I used:


level = 'debug'

fastReruns = false

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_oauth import OAuth2Component

# Set environment variables
kadiApiBaseURL = ''
AUTHORIZE_URL = kadiApiBaseURL + '/oauth/authorize'
TOKEN_URL = kadiApiBaseURL + '/oauth/token'
REFRESH_TOKEN_URL = kadiApiBaseURL + '/oauth/token'
REVOKE_TOKEN_URL = kadiApiBaseURL + '/oauth/revoke'
CLIENT_ID = st.secrets['oauthClientID']
CLIENT_SECRET = st.secrets['oauthClientSecret']
REDIRECT_URI = 'https://[[**YOUR APP**]]'
SCOPE = ''

# Create OAuth2Component instance

result = oauth2.authorize_button("Authorize", REDIRECT_URI, SCOPE, height=800, width=400, use_container_width=True, extras_params={'response_type': 'code'})
if result and 'token' in result:
    # If authorization successful, save token in session state
    st.session_state.token = result.get('token')

Since I assume you don't have a Kadi4Mat account, this is the log after clicking on "Authorize" - streamlit loads the redirect and gives "read error" in the popup afterwards. I think this can be reproduced with other URLs as well

streamlit console log

2024-04-26 13:09:20.502 Registered component 'streamlit_oauth.authorize_button': /home/adminuser/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/streamlit_oauth/frontend/dist

2024-04-26 13:09:20.508 Creating new DataCache (key=#####data cache key####, persist=None, max_entries=None, ttl=300)

2024-04-26 13:09:20.508 Cache key: #####some key####

2024-04-26 13:09:20.509 Memory cache MISS: #####some key####

2024-04-26 13:09:20.509 Memory cache MISS: #####some key####

2024-04-26 13:09:20.509 Memory cache MISS: #####some key####

2024-04-26 13:09:20.916 Removing orphaned files...

2024-04-26 13:09:21.017 Script run finished successfully; removing expired entries from MessageCache (max_age=2)

2024-04-26 13:09:38.887 ComponentRequestHandler: GET /home/adminuser/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/streamlit_oauth/frontend/dist read error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/home/adminuser/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/streamlit/web/server/", line 54, in get

    with open(abspath, "rb") as file:


IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/home/adminuser/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/streamlit_oauth/frontend/dist'

after button click:


after authorize in popup:

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

also tried

enableCORS = false
enableXsrfProtection = false

in the config.toml

dnplus commented 2 months ago

Hi @MaraHochstein

Can you check

It is a workable example for deploy to streamlit cloud

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

Hi @dnplus I tried, but I get the same error like with my own script. I can continue login with google and accept, but then I get "read error". I did not change any of your test-code besides changing the "os.environ.get()" to "st.secrets['']" (but this can't be the problem since the auth variables are loaded correct).

If you want to test my login, I can add your Email to testusers in google. [see code here]

dnplus commented 2 months ago

Hi @MaraHochstein,

I'm a bit puzzled too. The main difference I noticed is that I'm using Python 3.11.

Feel free to check out my login at!

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

@dnplus Thats weird, it works on your site.. I thought it might be a browser-related problem.. I deployed the same code to another streamlit app and choose python 11 on deploy, but I get the same error this time with python 3.11 path.. Maybe there is something else I forgot? I added your mailadress from your profile to the testusers so you can try my login


dnplus commented 2 months ago

I got same issue on your site 😅

CleanShot 2024-05-04 at 11 35 23@2x

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

Any other idea what is causing this? I just created the app on and deployed your testcode with only the auth variables edited..

dnplus commented 2 months ago

I found other difference, the redirect_uri

My app without suffix /index.html

Maybe the streamlit cloud resolve uri in difference way
MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

I tried to remove the "/index.html" in the url but it gets "read error" again

dnplus commented 2 months ago

Did you reboot the apps?

both kaditest kaditest2 的 /index.html still remains in authorization url.

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

No, I didn‘t assume I have to reboot the app… But now it works! The "/index.html" was the thing.. It also seem to work now with my kadi-login, but I have to adjust grant type etc to make it work.

Thanks for the help! 👍

MaraHochstein commented 2 months ago

maybe you should mention that in the "getting started" section?

dnplus commented 2 months ago

maybe you should mention that in the "getting started" section?