Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
Isn't there something like that in JodaTime or in the JSR for Time aimed for
JDK 8?
Original comment by
on 22 May 2011 at 9:41
+1 for using JodaTime's Duration class:
Original comment by kurt.kluever
on 22 May 2011 at 10:22
-1 for Joda Time Duration class.
The Joda Time is aligned with ISO-8601 as part of a complete set of APIs to
support time and calendar.
TimeUnit, on the other hand, being part of java.util.concurrent, is aimed at
thread/processor/timer related APIs.
What I'm looking for is a way of avoiding a split-up of duration and unit
when calling java.util.concurrent API, and Joda Time provides none of that:
1. Joda Time Duration does NOT contain/convert to TimeUnit based units.
2. Joda Time Duration does not support sub-milliseconds granularity
A TimeUnit/long wrapper would be lightweight and general purpose, which fits
nicely into Guava, I think.
Original comment by
on 23 May 2011 at 7:13
I would agree with Morten, especially since I saw the classes like Stopwatch
making their first steps in the trunk of Guava. This Stopwatch would be the
first class to benefit directly from this wrapper.
Original comment by ogregoire
on 23 May 2011 at 10:51
I agree with this need. I call this ShortDuration. My current incarnation can
only handle durations of up to 100 days, but has picosecond precision. I need
it for caliper.
Original comment by
on 24 May 2011 at 4:23
Original comment by
on 13 Jul 2011 at 6:18
This is reasonably likely for release 11 (since I selfishly need it in
caliper.) :)
Original comment by
on 13 Jul 2011 at 6:57
Is this still likely for 11? It would definitely be nice to have.
Original comment by
on 22 Nov 2011 at 3:33
Sadly, no, it's gotten terribly delayed.
Original comment by
on 29 Nov 2011 at 3:47
I would be happy to take this there any particular complicating factor?
Original comment by wasserman.louis
on 6 Dec 2011 at 4:16
Hmm. Surely we want this? It would have been nice if this was in
java.util.concurrent from day 1, but now there is a sea of signatures accepting
this pair.
And it's not too clear to me that there is a usability win here, (5L, SECONDS)
compared to (ShortDuration.of(5L, SECONDS)). The former is "convention" by now
Nor does this help with the implementation of time-related classes; we
canonicalize any user-supplied duration to the same unit, and a long is enough
for that. No idea why caliper needs pico precision - perhaps expecting to
invoking a trial and finishing... in under 3 machine cycles? :-)
Original comment by jim.andreou
on 7 Dec 2011 at 1:59
The one use case that probably is the most convincing would be the situation
where you would like to add a duration as a constant.
Current Example 1 (split unit and value):
private static final long TIMEOUT_VALUE = 2L; // you need to consult the TIMEOUT_UNIT before determining value
private static final TimeUnit TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
logger.debug("Waiting for " + TIMEOUT_VALUE + " " + TIMEOUT_UNIT); // tedious
Current Example 2 (split unit and value):
private static final TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS = 120000L; // difficult to decipher as 2 minutes, what if someone needs sub-millisecond value
logger.debug("Waiting for " + TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS + " milliseconds");
Current Example 3 (split unit and value):
private static final TIMEOUT_NANOSECONDS = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // Semantically clearer
logger.debug("Waiting for " + TIMEOUT_NANOSECONDS + " nanoseconds"); // difficult to decipher value in log
ShortDuration Example 3 (using ShortDuration):
private static final ShortDuration TIMEOUT = ShortDuration.minutes(2); // would look good with static import, too
logger.debug("Waiting for " + TIMEOUT);
Original comment by
on 7 Dec 2011 at 8:30
Louis -- awesome!
Here's what it needs:
1. Instead of having a hard limit of 100 days and picosecond granularity, can't
it just return a different, BigDecimal-based class when it's outside that
range? For some reason I didn't think of that. If we do this it needs another
name though, and I'm a little queasy about using Duration which Joda-Time
already has.
2. I never wrote tests unless you count the supercrappy ones that you can find
in the caliper source tree right now.
I'll email you the code I left off with.
Original comment by
on 9 Dec 2011 at 11:32
"Jim" :-) -- Caliper just wants to be able to compute and report a value like
"13.17 ns" -- so there's sub-nanosecond precision there.
Many of the good uses for this object have to do with its ability to display as
and parse from a String, e.g. check out CacheBuilderSpec.
I do *not* propose that we should automatically start replacing (long,
TimeUnit) signatures with (ShortDuration) ones as general practice. Sometimes
that might be useful, sometimes not.
Original comment by
on 9 Dec 2011 at 11:40
Original comment by
on 10 Dec 2011 at 4:11
Kevin: "I do *not* propose that we should automatically start replacing (long,
TimeUnit) signatures with (ShortDuration) ones as general practice."
May I ask, why not?
I cannot think of a single case where a split duration (long, TimeUnit)...
doSomething(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
... would would be preferable to a single ShortDuration ...
Except for the fact that it would be different to what the java.util.concurrent
library methods currently use, but that shouldn't, in my opinion, prevent Guava
from doing it better.
Except, of course, where java.util.concurrent interfaces mandates the split
duration parameters.
Original comment by
on 16 Dec 2011 at 9:55
I just mean that I don't personally advocate going and doing all that. That's
not my intent in introducing this new class -- that it should become "the new
way to do (long,TimeUnit) everywhere."
That doesn't mean I'm arguing *against* it though.
Original comment by
on 28 Jan 2012 at 7:24
This is the strangest thing: it seems sensible to drop the "short" requirement,
but if I do, I can't for the life of me think what to name the class! It feels
very wrong to poach a name from Joda. I mean, we could call it ElapsedTime?
Original comment by
on 2 Mar 2012 at 8:38
WaitDuration? It's typically used for "how long do you wait"...
Original comment by wasserman.louis
on 2 Mar 2012 at 8:45
Original comment by
on 2 Mar 2012 at 8:54
I think both ElapsedTime and WaitDuration are too specific to possible uses of
the class rather than describing just what it is. "ElapsedTime" implies that
it's an amount of time that has already elapsed and was measured, while
"WaitDuration" implies that the duration is an amount of time to wait. While
each of those is applicable to some use cases for such a class, the class
encompasses both use cases and more and should probably have a name that
reflects that.
Original comment by
on 2 Mar 2012 at 8:55
I'm curious about a couple things. Sorry if these are dumb questions.
1. Will this type have methods like get(TimeUnit) or get[Nanos/Micros/etc]()
and if so, what would their return types be? long, Number, BigInteger, or
2. I think I understand why/how producers of this type would use it, but how
would consumers typically use it? Say you've been passed one of these and it
represents a timeout. Would you periodically construct a new one based on the
current time and compare it to the timeout? e.g.
if (ShortDuration.seconds(elapsedSeconds).isGreaterThan(timeout)) {
// fail
Original comment by
on 6 Mar 2012 at 10:40
How about TimeInterval or TimeSpan as given in Comment 20 as a name? I agree
with Comment 21 that WaitDuration and ElapsedTime both hint at how the class is
used while TimeInterval or TimeSpan describe the class without implying its use.
Also, may I suggest a fromString method? I know strings are overused, but a
fromString method could make reading in a time interval from say a config file
very convenient. The format of accepted strings could be something like a long
followed by any whitespace followed by a TimeUnit (supporting either singular
or plural units).
Original comment by
on 4 May 2012 at 9:19
Yup, TimeSpan is the current choice, and one of the best things about the code
we have so far is its fromString() functionality (which we can drop into, for
example, CacheBuilderSpec).
Original comment by
on 6 May 2012 at 3:29
Original comment by
on 17 May 2012 at 11:16
Original comment by
on 30 May 2012 at 7:43
I'd be interested to hear folks' requirements for this class that aren't
satisfied by the current rev of JSR-310's Duration.
Original comment by brianfromoregon
on 7 Aug 2012 at 8:20
Oh well there's one in #14, representing sub-nano precision.
Original comment by brianfromoregon
on 7 Aug 2012 at 8:28
Is anyone actively working on this issue.
Otherwise I would consider making an implementation myself, and submitting it
to Guava as a proposal.
I guess the design would include:
- Immutable implementation
- Static factory methods for creating instance of common TimeUnits, e.g.
- Static factory methods for creating instance from TimeUnit/long combination,
e.g. of(Timeunit unit, long duration)
- Static factory methods for creating instance from a readable String
representation, as in CacheBuilderSpec
- Conversions to long: asLong(TimeUnit unit)
- implements Comparable<TimeSpan>
- Possible convenience instance methods isGreaterThan(TimeSpan timeSpan) (...
etc), providing more readable client code than using Comparable.compareTo()
- Instance method toString(TimeUnit unit) providing string representation using
unit (integer?)
- Should toString() normalize the reported TimeUnit, or should the TimeSpan
retain information about which time unit was used to create it, and use that
unit when using toString.
Original comment by
on 8 Aug 2012 at 11:26
I suggest putting the addition in the implementation. Maybe in a TimeSpans
But it might be interesting as well to make a list of all Guava classes that
could benefit from it.
Original comment by ogregoire
on 8 Aug 2012 at 11:42
> Is anyone actively working on this issue.
Kevin, is this still on your plate?
Here's the existing Caliper ShortDuration class:
Original comment by
on 8 Aug 2012 at 5:48
Well, it would be a cause for celebration if it gets onto someone else's plate.
I could give a 5-minute rundown of what aspects of ShortDuration I do and
don't think are actually worthy to carry over.
Original comment by
on 8 Aug 2012 at 6:22
As a data point, my employer makes good use of a simplified interface (100+
call sites):
public final class TimeValue {
private final long time;
private final TimeUnit timeUnit;
private TimeValue(final long time, final TimeUnit timeUnit);
public long getTime();
public TimeUnit getTimeUnit();
public String toString();
public static TimeValue nanoseconds(final long value);
public static TimeValue microseconds(final long value);
public static TimeValue milliseconds(final long value);
public static TimeValue seconds(final long value);
public static TimeValue minutes(final long value);
public static TimeValue hours(final long value);
public static TimeValue days(final long value);
public long toNanos();
public long toMicros();
public long toMillis();
public long toSeconds();
public long toMinutes();
public long toHours();
public long toDays();
I tried implementing arithmetic and comparison but these did not simplify call
sites much. Note that there is not enough precision to represent all values,
e.g., TimeValue.days(1000).toNanos() > Long.MAX_VALUE, although this has not
been an issue in practice.
Original comment by
on 26 Sep 2012 at 12:21
Any news on this? Or should we stick to the new Java 8 java.time.Duration class?
Original comment by ogregoire
on 31 Mar 2014 at 1:28
We have a Duration class:
It is very useful for human-readable config files: Duration.valueOf("5m")
And a related class, DataSize:
Original comment by electrum
on 25 Apr 2014 at 10:42
This issue has been migrated to GitHub.
It can be found at<id>
Original comment by
on 1 Nov 2014 at 4:15
Original comment by
on 1 Nov 2014 at 4:18
Original comment by
on 3 Nov 2014 at 9:09
Original issue reported on by
on 22 May 2011 at 9:34