dnrwaterqualitymodeling / EVAAL

Erosion Vulnerability Assessment for Agricultural Lands - Python scripts for identifying areas vulnerable to soil erosion using LiDAR elevation data
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Required HARN projection does not match ArcMap Default #5

Closed danswick closed 10 years ago

danswick commented 10 years ago

It seems the 1. Condition the LiDAR DEM tool performs a check against a known version of the HARN WI projection/EPSG: 3071 (this one, I presume). However, the default version of that projection in ArcMap (10.2.2) is very slightly different, namely the PROJCS parameter:

Default: "NAD_1983_HARN_Wisconsin_TM"

Required: "NAD_1983_HARN_Transverse_Mercator"

All other parameters appear to be identical and when I edited my source data's .prj file to reflect the required PROJCS, the EVAAL tool accepted it. Would it be possible to change the required projection to reflect this default? If not, perhaps include a note in the tutorial to swap out projection values for the required input datasets.

asruesch commented 10 years ago

Hi Dan,

Sorry about the delay. I added compatibility for both names on the dev branch. Thanks for posting this.


danswick commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the update, Aaron!

Cloned the Dev branch, tested with a culverts file set to "NAD_1983_HARN_Wisconsin_TM" and everything checks out. Hopefully this helps some future EVAAL user avoid my mistakes.