dnsev / 4cs

Media player userscript, steganographic embedding
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Sound player not working #37

Closed P2K9 closed 10 years ago

P2K9 commented 10 years ago

When I go to load a sound by clicking on the sounds button, rather than loading the sound (sounds does change to loading... but nothing ever actually loads) it just takes me to the top of the page. I am also unable to open the Media Player by going to Media Player->Open Player but I can open the Settings page. I'm using Scriptish 0.1.8 with 4chan Media Player on Firefox 22.

If more details are needed let me know.

dnsev commented 10 years ago

Sounds like an error is happening.

Check the error console when this happens (ctrl+shift+K) and you should get something like this: web_console

Look for errors colored in orange, particularly ones sourced from "4cs.user.js" on the right.

If you have any other userscripts installed that may be affecting it, also name those.

P2K9 commented 10 years ago

This is what my error console looks like


I have no other scripts, but I have the HTTPS-Everywhere and Ghostery extensions

dnsev commented 10 years ago

Does the error console screencap come after you've clicked a sounds link and it takes you to the top of the page? You can also disable the "Net" messages, as only the orange ones are important.

If you still find no errors, try updating Scriptish. And if that fails, use Greasemonkey.

I tried under Scriptish 0.1.11 and it ran, and it normally runs under Greasemonkey anyway.

P2K9 commented 10 years ago

Updated to the latest Scriptish and it works now, although now there is a big delay (6-8 seconds) between click on the sound link and it being added to the player, but I realize from one of the other issue reports that this is a problem with FF itself and not the player.

dnsev commented 10 years ago

You can thank Firefox 23 for that.