dnsev / 4cs

Media player userscript, steganographic embedding
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Sounds not working altogether #58

Open Neofranky opened 10 years ago

Neofranky commented 10 years ago

So there was a thread today and none of the sounds worked, as in, the media player didn't load the file in it and treated all images as if they had no audio in them. I know this because I could upload a couple of images with sounds with this very script, however the audio didn't loaded. I tried uninstalling the script and installing it back, but it didn't worked. It was version 3.19.4 of 4chan X, and version 5.0.5 of 4cs. I also have ExLinks installed, if that matters.

dnsev commented 10 years ago

Moot blocked them much better.



http://dnsev.github.io/4cs/#about/codecs/embed.exe still works