dnsimple / dnsimple-python

The DNSimple API client for Python.
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ZoneRecordInput omits empty name when serialized to json #451

Open jocelynthode opened 5 months ago

jocelynthode commented 5 months ago

Hey, when trying to create a record at the apex I get a 400:

Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response body: {"message":"Validation failed","errors":{"name":["can't be null"]}}

Here is the code:

record = ZoneRecordInput(name="", type="CAA", ttl=60, content='0 issuewild "sectigo.com"')

The to_json() function removes empty fields and thus removed the name. However this field is required when using create_record making it impossible to create an apex level record.

dallasread commented 4 months ago

Thanks for pointing this out, @jocelynthode. We'll have a look!