dnsimple / terraform-provider-dnsimple

Terraform DNSimple provider.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Changes the go and terraform sdk versions #55

Closed ecomba closed 2 years ago

ecomba commented 2 years ago

Updates the go version and removes the vulnerability of Hashicorp go-getter reported by dependabot in the previous version.

weppos commented 2 years ago

Changes look good to me. However, I see the go.sum file is getting big. I recommend you run go mod tidy, it was able to remove several unnecessary packages from the file.

ecomba commented 2 years ago

Changes look good. Please run and commit go mod tidy.

Tests are ✅

➜  terraform-provider-dnsimple git:(updating-go-version) make test
==> Checking that code complies with gofmt requirements...
go test $(go list ./... |grep -v 'vendor') || exit 1
go: downloading github.com/dnsimple/dnsimple-go v0.71.1
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2 v2.17.0
go: downloading github.com/google/go-querystring v1.1.0
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.5.0
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog v1.2.0
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-exec v0.16.1
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-json v0.14.0
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-go v0.9.1
go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface v1.14.1
go: downloading github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.8
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-log v0.4.0
go: downloading github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin v1.4.4
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.12.0
go: downloading github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.10.0
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/hc-install v0.3.2
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid v1.0.3
go: downloading github.com/vmihailenco/msgpack/v4 v4.3.12
go: downloading google.golang.org/grpc v1.46.0
go: downloading github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.2
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-registry-address v0.0.0-20210412075316-9b2996cce896
go: downloading google.golang.org/protobuf v1.28.0
go: downloading github.com/vmihailenco/tagparser v0.1.1
go: downloading golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20210616213533-5ff15b29337e
go: downloading github.com/hashicorp/terraform-svchost v0.0.0-20200729002733-f050f53b9734
?     github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-dnsimple  [no test files]
ok    github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-dnsimple/dnsimple 0.343s
echo $(go list ./... |grep -v 'vendor') | \
      xargs -t -n4 go test  -timeout=30s -parallel=4
go test -timeout=30s -parallel=4 github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-dnsimple github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-dnsimple/dnsimple
?     github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-dnsimple  [no test files]
ok    github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-dnsimple/dnsimple 0.241s

Good point! I ran it before (while swapping versions back and forth, but somehow forgot to run it before this commit, I'll do it right now)