dnvriend / akka-persistence-inmemory

Akka-persistence-inmemory is a plugin for akka-persistence that stores journal and snapshot messages memory, which is very useful when testing persistent actors, persistent FSM and akka cluster
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Seems like eventsByTag query misses events (at buffer's boundary). #55

Open LoneEngineer opened 6 years ago

LoneEngineer commented 6 years ago


I use Akka 2.5.14 and akka-persistence-inmemory, and seems like I fall into following issue: I emit quite fast a lot of events (more that default max-buffer-size) and sometimes 101th, 202th and 303th events are not pushed into stream. I tried to read code, and following place I consider as suspicious:

  override def eventsByTag(tag: String, offset: Offset): Source[EventEnvelope, NotUsed] =
    Source.unfoldAsync[Offset, Seq[EventEnvelope]](offset) { (from: Offset) =>
      def nextFromOffset(xs: Seq[EventEnvelope]): Offset = {
        if (xs.isEmpty) from else xs.last.offset match {
          case Sequence(n)         => Sequence(n)
          case TimeBasedUUID(time) => TimeBasedUUID(UUIDs.startOf(UUIDs.unixTimestamp(time) + 1))
      ticker.flatMapConcat(_ => currentEventsByTag(tag, from)
        .take(maxBufferSize)).runWith(Sink.seq).map { xs =>
        val next = nextFromOffset(xs)
        Some((next, xs))

Let consider an example (real values from test, sorry I cannot share test yet): 100th event has TimeBasedUUID(fa7225e0-a223-11e8-b71e-e9435a127f49) 101th event has TimeBasedUUID(fa7225e1-a223-11e8-b71e-e9435a127f49)

According to my logs, my stream processing logic never got 101th event. If we run code from nextFromOffset:

@ val time1 = UUID.fromString("fa7225e0-a223-11e8-b71e-e9435a127f49") 
time1: UUID = fa7225e0-a223-11e8-b71e-e9435a127f49
@ val next1 = TimeBasedUUID(UUIDs.startOf(UUIDs.unixTimestamp(time1) + 1)) 
next1: TimeBasedUUID = TimeBasedUUID(fa724cf0-a223-11e8-8080-808080808080)
@ val time2 = UUID.fromString("fa7225e1-a223-11e8-b71e-e9435a127f49") 
time2: UUID = fa7225e1-a223-11e8-b71e-e9435a127f49
@ TimeBasedUUID(time2).compare(next1) 
res9: Int = -1

So if currentEventsByTag returned 101 events, last one is dropped by take(100) and next offset returned to unfold will be fa724cf0-a223-11e8-8080-808080808080 which is after 101th event's timestamp.

If I set max-buffer-size to value above number of events my test can generate - everything works fine.

What you think about my thoughts?

dnvriend commented 6 years ago

I think you hit an edge case. The solution of setting the max-buffer-size seems reasonable.

LoneEngineer commented 5 years ago

I did a fix and created pull request https://github.com/dnvriend/akka-persistence-inmemory/pull/64 Please review.

LoneEngineer commented 5 years ago

Just copy description from commit message: The problem happened then buffer's bound stops in between of events with timeuuid like: ... e3e99ed0-a21d-11e8-b31a-e9435a127f49 // A: last event which put into a buffer e3e99ed1-a21d-11e8-b31a-e9435a127f49 // B: next one ...

InMemoryReadJournal::eventsByTag::nextFromOffset uses unix timestamp to calculate 'next' event:

case TimeBasedUUID(time) => TimeBasedUUID(UUIDs.startOf(UUIDs.unixTimestamp(time) + 1))

and it skips event B because both of them have same unix timestamp: 1534510989629, and 'next' uuid will be: e3e9c5e0-a21d-11e8-b31a-e9435a127f49

The difference in nanoseconds: 137538037896290000 for A 137538037896290001 for B

Where it comes from ? InMemoryAsyncWriteJournal uses following functions to generate timeuuid for an event:

def nowUuid: UUID = UUIDs.timeBased()
def getTimeBasedUUID: TimeBasedUUID = TimeBasedUUID(nowUuid)
def timeBased(): UUID = {
   new UUID(makeMSB(UUIDUtil.getCurrentTimestamp()), ClockSeqAndNode)

If we will take a look on UUIDUtil.getCurrentTimestamp more closely, we can see following:

public static final AtomicLong lastTimestamp = new AtomicLong(0L);
       long now = fromUnixTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
       long last = lastTimestamp.get();
       if (now > last) { 
        } else { 
          long candidate = last + 1;

So if two (or more) events are persisted in same millisecond, nanoseconds will be added to timeuuid. But they are not taken into account when events are read from a journal.

PS: I also added the test for that scenario, unfortunately test is very depended on timing (performance) and may NOT fail even with broken implementation. I was able to choose parameters which gives me like ~100% failure rate. I mean, the test never passed successfully with original implementation on my box but I cannot guarantee that for other boxes.