do-know / Crypt-LE

Crypt::LE - Let's Encrypt / Buypass / ZeroSSL and other ACME-servers client and library in Perl for obtaining free SSL certificates (inc. generating RSA/ECC keys and CSRs). HTTP/DNS verification is supported out of the box, EAB (External Account Binding) supported, easily extended with plugins, easily dockerized.
Artistic License 2.0
354 stars 60 forks source link

Work with PowerDNS for DNS verification? #88

Open ballou-git opened 9 months ago

ballou-git commented 9 months ago

Hi, I'm using Certbot to run all this on Linux. I still haven't solved this on our Windows servers. Since many servers are blocked from internet it would be a great way to use the Let's Encrypt. When reading through your guides I can't really find a way to solve this with our PowerDNS setup. Do I miss something or could you please help me get in the right direction?

guest20 commented 9 months ago

PowerDNS has a web api:

You could interact with it using HTTP::Tiny or even by shelling out to curl from a Challenge module.

You'd just need to copy Crypt::LE::Challenge::Simple and add in the http calls to speak to your nameserver.