doadin / Baggins

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Item Count Wrong on Compressed Stacks (WOTLK) #80

Closed Runkel79 closed 1 year ago

Runkel79 commented 1 year ago

Very weird bug i just noticed.

I got 40 Potions of speed, 40 Runic Mana Injectors, 40 Honeymint Tea, 40 Buff Food and for each of them it only Shows 30 when compressed.

P.S. No LUA Errors, it just displays the wrong value

Update: i kept playing and it looks like the wrong item count changes at will, now it shows 31 instead of the correct value.

Runkel79 commented 1 year ago

WowClassic_eIJHnL4JJR WowClassic_k9BeVXWJlU

Runkel79 commented 1 year ago

Another Example Compressed/Uncompressed

WowClassic_LXzD7ZIiR6 WowClassic_Cx8JX9JdCC

doadin commented 1 year ago

Does it ever show the right count when compress, for example when you first login?

Runkel79 commented 1 year ago

I already rolled back but i reinstalled the latest Version and the answer is no, at the moment the compressed count is eight instead of the correct value

Update: Just realized the wrong compressed item count is not a random number, it is the amount of empty bag slots left.

Runkel79 commented 1 year ago

And i just got this LUA Error:

`4x Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua:1453: invalid order function for sorting

[string "@Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua"]:1453: in function SortItemList' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua"]:1210: in functionUpdateSectionContents' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua"]:1131: in function UpdateSection' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua"]:1106: in functionReallyUpdateBags' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua"]:751: in function `?' [string "@Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins-v4.6.2.lua"]:171: in function <Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins.lua:163>

Locals: (temporary) =

{ 1 =
{ } 2 =
{ } 3 =
{ } 4 =
{ } } (temporary) = defined @Interface\AddOns\Baggins\Baggins.lua:1324 (temporary) =
{ slotcount = 1 slots =
{ } itemid = 30688 } (temporary) =
{ slotcount = 1 slots =
{ } itemid = 11136 } (*temporary) = nil `

doadin commented 1 year ago

was a simple typo I didn't notice, oops, soooo sorry. Fixed: ffc86cbf71996b5858c56ee7f27b6d6d2e19e78f