doadin / Plexus

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Link to API documentation is broken. #11

Closed rainx0r closed 3 years ago

rainx0r commented 4 years ago

I am moving from Grid to Plexus and the experience has been lovely so far but I am really missing the GridResizeFrames Grid plugin functionality, so I thought I would implement it myself as a Plexus plugin.

However the link in the README for API documentation for plugin authors seems to 404: as does the actual Wiki button in this repository.

doadin commented 4 years ago

Yea thats just a copy paste fail from changing from grid to plexus cant use the grid name so i just find/replaced grid in that case i dont have a wiki setup. Though as plexus is just a continuation the grid wiki/api should still be enough to make a plugin.

doadin commented 4 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out!

doadin commented 4 years ago

i am actually very much interested in this functionality. If you have anything started let me know.

rainx0r commented 4 years ago

Hello! Thank you for your reply, I see what happened now. The repository owner name in that link being the Grid creator should've tipped me off to begin with though.

As for the ResizeFrames functionality, since GridResizeFrames works on latest Grid and you have imitated the Grid API very precisely with Plexus, I just CTRL+F replaced "Grid" with "Plexus" in that addon and it just works.

Though since no further modifications were necessary and the code is otherwise identical (which I didn't expect) I'm not sure if the converted plugin is something that should be (or can legally be) released on CurseForge or something like I originally planned.

I guess you can add it as a core module into Plexus (or maybe I could also do that and make a Pull Request it), or maybe just provide instructions in the README detailing how to convert Grid to Plexus plugins.

doadin commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately it appears GridResizeFrames is licensed in a way that we cannot use it in plexus, and the author hasn't logged into curse since 2016. :( I would definitely like to have this functionality added as a core module.