doadin / Plexus

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[Request] Migration Table Wiki Page #27

Closed yoshimo closed 3 years ago

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

Since there are probably as many grid reliant status plugins as there are handynotes modules i think we should collect the existing plugins and give people tips on what to do with them

Grid-Plugin Name Plexus-Plugin Name , if available Done by Plexus itself? Future Plexus support? Migration compatibility

something like that. On a related note, aren't status plugins small enough to merge them for a better oob experience and less management?

doadin commented 3 years ago

interesting. working on that a little now.

doadin commented 3 years ago

im sure it could use some work but :

doadin commented 3 years ago

as far as merging some are small some are not and to keep with the small modular design of grid I try not to add TOO much but really I play with basically plexus + gridstatusexternals + plexusstatushealtracker + GridStatusRaidDebuff2 + the expansions list that goes with it.(so pretty much just 2 plugins) I do use clique which gridclicksets/plexusclicksets could replace but like others im sure clique is very common and I heard of it first and have been using clique for a long time now, way before I started messing with addons.

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

Haven't looked inside the .toc files but on the first glance i couldn't match these folders:

GridAlternativeLayouts GridAutoSizeLayout GridConfigIcons GridCustomLayouts GridFilterLayout GridHomeParty

GridIndicatorBar GridIndicatorBorderTexts GridIndicatorBuffBar

GridLayoutByRole GridResizeFrames

GridStatusAncientBarrier GridStatusControlPipes GridStatusDungeonRole GridStatusEmphasize GridStatusEnemyTarget GridStatusExternals GridStatusFastHealth GridStatusHRTargets GridStatusHealTrace GridStatusHealingReduced GridStatusItemLevel GridStatusRaidIcons GridStatusShield GridStatusSwiftmend GridStatusTotalAbsorbs GridStatusWeakenedSoulDebuff

GridTargets gridstatusabsorbshields

Maybe for people using grid2 we could list

doadin commented 3 years ago

That is a lot of stuff to go through. I have made some updates to the plugins and migration wiki but I dont think its going to go much further from me. I am 100% open to changes though it you want to post them in some way I can review.

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

You don't have to list Addons twice. WoWAce and Curse are using the same backend & have the same author and the same Project ID

doadin commented 3 years ago

unintentional duplicate I also found one other, thanks!

yoshimo commented 3 years ago

GridstatusAncient barrier has overlaps with PlexusStatusRD_MOP and GridStatusRD_MOP, but i'm not sure if they show the same level of detail.