doadin / Plexus

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grevious wound not showing #45

Closed voozul closed 3 years ago

voozul commented 3 years ago

I can't get grevious wound stacks to show. I've set it up as per normal (eg the same way I have bursting stacks showing) but it just doesn't show. Hard to test much given it only shows up in keys.

I found an old post of someone with grid having the same issue and they fixed it by adding it by the spell id.. I tried that too and it didn't work.

v 2.1.38

doadin commented 3 years ago

Do you get the debuff to show at all? What spell id did you use?

doadin commented 3 years ago

It shows fine for me when I use the dungeondebuff plugin and it uses id 240559, if you havn't maybe try that?

voozul commented 3 years ago

I added it as a debuff (how I have for years with other debuffs I want to see). I tried adding it as its proper name "grievous wound" and as the spell id you list. Neither show at all. edit: I will check again tomorrow and test, might have it working, need to wait to do a key.

voozul commented 3 years ago

this was an error on my side. sorry.

doadin commented 3 years ago

No problem, I was just testing this again my self recently and didn't have any issues and was starting to wonder. As you can imagine kind of hard to find out the issue when you can only see the debuff in a 7+ key, was not looking forward to having to figure that out lol. Alls well that ends well.