doadin / Plexus

9 stars 2 forks source link

wotlk v2.6.9 issues (only 8 out of 20 errors) #79

Closed unco88 closed 1 year ago

unco88 commented 1 year ago

lua errors from todays update:

3x Plexus/Core.lua:23: attempt to index field 'C_AddOns' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Core.lua"]:23: in main chunk

Locals: PLEXUS = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } format = defined =[C]:-1 strfind = defined =[C]:-1 strjoin = defined =[C]:-1 strlen = defined =[C]:-1 strlower = defined =[C]:-1 strmatch = defined =[C]:-1 strtrim = defined =[C]:-1 strupper = defined =[C]:-1 tinsert = defined =[C]:-1 GetBuildInfo = defined =[C]:-1 CreateFrame = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "attempt to index field 'C_AddOns' (a nil value)"

3x Plexus/Roster.lua:25: attempt to call method 'NewModule' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Roster.lua"]:25: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } tinsert = defined =[C]:-1 GetInstanceInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetZonePVPInfo = defined =[C]:-1 IsInRaid = defined =[C]:-1 IsInGroup = defined =[C]:-1 UnitExists = defined =[C]:-1 UnitName = defined =[C]:-1 UnitGUID = defined =[C]:-1 UnitFullName = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
{ } (temporary) = "PlexusRoster" (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'NewModule' (a nil value)"

3x Plexus/Layout.lua:29: attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Layout.lua"]:29: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } L = nil floor = defined =[C]:-1 format = defined =[C]:-1 tinsert = defined =[C]:-1 strmatch = defined =[C]:-1 strtrim = defined =[C]:-1 C_Map =
{ GetBestMapForUnit = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapArtHelpTextPosition = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapBannersForMap = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapHighlightInfoAtPosition = defined =[C]:-1 GetAreaInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapArtLayers = defined =[C]:-1 RequestPreloadMap = defined =[C]:-1 GetBountySetIDForMap = defined =[C]:-1 GetWorldPosFromMapPos = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapLevels = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapInfoAtPosition = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapGroupMembersInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapArtLayerTextures = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapArtBackgroundAtlas = defined =[C]:-1 MapHasArt = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapRectOnMap = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapPosFromWorldPos = defined =[C]:-1 GetPlayerMapPosition = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapGroupID = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapDisplayInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapChildrenInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapLinksForMap = defined =[C]:-1 GetFallbackWorldMapID = defined =[C]:-1 GetMapArtID = defined =[C]:-1 } CreateFrame = defined =[C]:-1 GameTooltip = GameTooltip { SetBorderBlendMode = defined @SharedXML/SharedTooltipTemplates.lua:203 NineSlice = Frame { } GetBackdropBorderColor = defined @SharedXML/SharedTooltipTemplates.lua:199 0 = updateTooltip = 0.200000 TooltipBackdropOnLoad = defined @SharedXML/SharedTooltipTemplates.lua:172 shoppingTooltips =
{ } TopOverlay = Texture { } GetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML/SharedTooltipTemplates.lua:191 SetBagItem = defined =[C]:-1 needsReset = true BottomOverlay = Texture { } SetBackdropColor = defined @SharedXML/SharedTooltipTemplates.lua:187 layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout" SetBackdropBorderColor = defined @SharedXML/SharedTooltipTemplates.lua:195 } GetInstanceInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetTime = defined =[C]:-1 InCombatLockdown = defined =[C]:-1 IsAltKeyDown = defined =[C]:-1 SlashCmdList =
{ DEADLYBOSSMODSBREAK = defined @DBM-Core/modules/Commands.lua:136 BAGNON_BOE_LABEL = defined @Bagnon_BoE/defaults.lua:36 PLAYEDCLASS = defined @Details/functions/slash.lua:16 GETPOINT = defined @ElvUI/Core/Developer/Frame.lua:50 RELOADUI = defined @SharedXML/InterfaceUtil.lua:1 CVAR = defined @AdvancedInterfaceOptions/browser.lua:377 LEATRIX_PLUS_RL = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:15670 DEADLYBOSSMODSPULL = defined @DBM-Core/modules/Commands.lua:132 DEADLYBOSSMODSDWAY = defined @DBM-Core/DBM-Arrow.lua:277 OmniCC = defined @OmniCC/main.lua:32 DBMRRANGE = defined @DBM-Core/DBM-RangeCheck.lua:990 DBMHUDAR = defined @DBM-Core/DBM-HudMap.lua:1448 DETAILS = defined @Details/functions/slash.lua:37 Leatrix_Plus = defined @Leatrix_Plus/Leatrix_Plus.lua:15660 NOVALUAONCMD = defined @NovaInstanceTracker/NovaInstanceTracker.lua:649 ACECONSOLE_GARGUL = defined @Gargul/bootstrap.lua:180 DEADLYBOSSMODS = defined @DBM-Core/modules/Commands.lua:148 BugGrabber = defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:151 DEVCON = de

3x Plexus/Layouts.lua:15: attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Layouts.lua"]:15: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } L = nil GetNumGroupMembers = defined =[C]:-1 GetRaidRosterInfo = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
{ } (temporary) = "PlexusLayout" (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value)"

3x Plexus/Frame.lua:28: attempt to call method 'NewModule' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Frame.lua"]:28: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } L = nil format = defined =[C]:-1 gsub = defined =[C]:-1 pairs = defined =[C]:-1 type = defined =[C]:-1 InCombatLockdown = defined =[C]:-1 GetTime = defined =[C]:-1 UnitExists = defined =[C]:-1 UnitGUID = defined =[C]:-1 UnitInRange = defined =[C]:-1 UnitIsDeadOrGhost = defined =[C]:-1 UnitIsUnit = defined =[C]:-1 UnitName = defined =[C]:-1 PlexusStatus = nil PlexusStatusRange = nil Media =
{ OverrideMedia =
{ } callbacks =
{ } LOCALE_BIT_zhTW = 8 SetDefault = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:293 GetDefault = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:289 LOCALE_BIT_ruRU = 2 UnregisterAllCallbacks = defined @Masque/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:164 MediaType =
{ } LOCALE_BIT_western = 128 SetGlobal = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:280 GetGlobal = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:276 List = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:266 HashTable = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:262 MediaTable =
{ } RegisterCallback = defined @Masque/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:80 IsValid = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:258 LOCALE_BIT_zhCN = 4 UnregisterCallback = defined @Masque/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:143 Fetch = defined @ElvUI_Libraries/Core/LibSharedMedia-3.0/LibSharedMedia-3.0.lua:251 DefaultMedia =
{ } Register = defined =[C]:-1 MediaList =
{ } LOCALE_BIT_koKR = 1 } (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
{ } (temporary) = "PlexusFrame" (temporary) = "AceBucket-3.0" (temporary) = "AceTimer-3.0" (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'NewModule' (a nil value)"

3x Plexus/Status.lua:16: attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Status.lua"]:16: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } L = nil FillLocalizedClassList = defined =[C]:-1 UnitClass = defined =[C]:-1 UnitCreatureType = defined =[C]:-1 (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
{ } (temporary) = "PlexusRoster" (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value)"

3x Plexus/Help.lua:97: attempt to index field 'options' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Help.lua"]:97: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } L = nil format = defined =[C]:-1 gsub = defined =[C]:-1 strmatch = defined =[C]:-1 strlen = defined =[C]:-1 helpText =
{ 1 =
{ } 2 =
{ } 3 =
{ } 4 =
{ } 5 =
{ } 6 =
{ } 7 =
{ } } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "enUS" (temporary) =
{ 1 = "Need more help?" 2 = "If your question is not answered in this Help section, here are some other places you can get help with Plexus:" 3 = "{Bug Reports & Feature Requests}" 4 = "Please use the links at the top of Plexus's download page to report bugs and request features in the ticket tracker. This keeps all reports and requests in one place, so the developers can easily keep track of what needs to be done." 5 = "{Questions & Comments}" order = 3 } (temporary) =
{ 1 = "Adding new buffs & debuffs" 2 = "Plexus can show any buff or debuff, not just the ones that are set up by default." 3 = "To add a new buff, go to the {Status} tab, select the {Auras} category in the list on the left, find the {Add new Buff} text box, type the name of the buff you want to add, and press Enter or click the {Okay} button." 4 = "To add a debuff, type in the {Add new Debuff} box instead." 5 = "Once you've added your buff or debuff, a new status will appear for it under the {Auras} category to the left. You can configure it just like the built-in buffs and debuffs, by changing its color, priority, text, and other options." 6 = "You can also assign it to any indicator on the {Indicators} tab." } (temporary) =
{ 1 = "Incoming heals" 2 = "Information about incoming heals comes directly from the game client. Sometimes, the game client sends the wrong information, or no information at all." 3 = "Plexus has no way to know if the healing amounts it gets are correct, or if there's healing incoming that the game client isn't telling it about." 4 = "If you notice that a particular spell never triggers the {Incoming Heals} status, or always shows the wrong amount, please report the problem to Blizzard on the official Bug Report forums so they can fix it!" } (temporary) =
{ 1 = "Incoming HoTs" 2 = "The game doesn't distinguish between direct healing and periodic healing (HoTs), so Plexus has to make assumptions based on the heal size to filter out HoT ticks." 3 = "By default, any incoming healing for less than 10% of the unit's total health is assumed to be from a HoT, and ignored. You can change this under {Status} > {Incoming heals} > {Minimum Value}." } (temporary) =
{ 1 = "Credits" 2 = "Plexus is a Grid fork, Grid was originally conceived and written by {Maia} and {Pastamancer} in late 2006. {Phanx} has been the primary developer since late 2009." 3 = "{Jerry} wrote the original pet support code. {Mikk} designed the icon. {jlam} added some advanced options for auras. {Greltok} has helped a lot with bugfixing." 4 = "Finally, lots of people have contributed translations; see the download page for a full list! And has since been continued and improved on for retail and classic by {Doadin}" order = -1 } (temporary) = "Credits" (temporary) = "Plexus is a Grid fork, Grid was originally conceived and written by {Maia} and {Pastamancer} in late 2006. {Phanx} has been the primary developer since late 2009." (temporary) = "{Jerry} wrote the original pet support code. {Mikk} designed the icon. {jlam} added some advanced options for auras. {Greltok} has helped a lot with bugfixing." (temporary) = "Finally, lots of people have contributed translations; see the download page for a full list! And has since been continued and improved on for retail and classic by {Doadin}" (temporary) = "Plexus uses a priority system to let you show more information in less space. You can assign two statuses to the same indicator, and then when they're both active, only the one with the higher priority will be shown." (*temporary) = "For example, if you're a priest, you might assign Power Word: Shield (yellow, high priori

3x Plexus/Indicators/Alpha.lua:10: attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value) [string "@Plexus/Indicators/Alpha.lua"]:10: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Plexus" Plexus =

{ } (temporary) = nil (temporary) =
{ } (temporary) = "PlexusFrame" (temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetModule' (a nil value)"

sjwoodr commented 1 year ago

Similar errors in classic era ... plexus 11 lua errors at login. Reverting to v2.6.6 in classic era fixed my issues. 2.6.9 is sadly busted.

doadin commented 1 year ago

All these error come from the core not loading. I have pushed out a new build just now(may take a while to come through curseforge if you use that) v2.7.0 or newer is what you want to look for. Sorry for the inconvenience.