doanduyhai / Achilles

An advanced Java Object Mapper/Query DSL generator for Cassandra
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prepared statements cache size issues in cassandra logs #358

Closed kapil-ksolves closed 5 years ago

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

I found below logs in the Cassandra logs -

2607 prepared statements discarded in the last minute because cache limit reached

We can see this very frequently in Cassandra logs.

And according to Cassandra documentation, the first reason for this can be the improper use of prepared statements and the other could be a very small amount of memory size is assigned to prepared statement cache.

Is there anything that can be done on Achilles side to resolve this issue or there could be any other reason for this?

Thanks in advance for help! Kapil Kaushik

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

Which version of Achilles are you using ?

Which API are your using ? CRUD ? DSL ?

Achilles has a prepared statement cache and automatically prepare statements for you, especially if you use crud().update(...) or if you use crud().insert(...) with Insert strategy NOT NULL FIELDS

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

We are using 6.0.0 version.

We are using both CRUD and DSL.

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

Which DSL ? Update ? Insert ?

Indeed for each combination of fields, Achilles will generate a prepared statement and stores it in its own internal Guava cache

In your case, you may have a lot of entities with a lot of columns right ?

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

We are using Insert mostly. Very less Update.

I am assuming if we are using the query in below way, Cassandra will keep it once in the prepared statement cache. (And we may be running below query 5 times in 10 seconds).

manager.indexed().select().allColumns_FromBaseTable() .where().indexed_FIELD_NAME().Eq(VALUE) .indexed_FIELD_NAME().Eq(VALUE) .getList();

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

How many distinct indexed field names are there ?

Normally you should have only 1 prepared statement generated for your select if it is always the same indexed field name being queried

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

We are using only 2 fields as mentioned in the above query. That means even this query is fired 5 times per seconds there will be only 1 prepared statement for that. *The values may be changed.

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

The code putting new prepared statement in the cache is here:

Try to put this class info.archinnov.achilles.internals.cache.StatementsCache log level to DEBUG and check your logs to see why there are so many prepared statements being created

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

The default LRU cache size for prepared statements in Achilles is set to 10 000 which is way above Cassandra limits

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

The code preparing dynamically new statements is here

public PreparedStatement getDynamicCache(final String queryString, Session session) {
        AtomicBoolean displayStats = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        try {
            final PreparedStatement preparedStatement = dynamicCache.get(queryString, () -> {
                if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOGGER.debug("Preparing dynamic query : " + queryString);
                return session.prepare(queryString);

            if (displayStats.get()) displayCacheStatistics();
            return preparedStatement;
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw new AchillesException(e);
kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

I will check that by putting the logs in the way you mentioned and will come back here after my findings.

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

Getting below WARN in the logs -

com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster Re-preparing already prepared query is generally an anti-pattern and will likely affect performance. Consider preparing the statement only once.

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

Ok but which statement is "re-prepared" ? We need to have more details

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

Here is the logs

2019-02-19 09:03:08,524 DEBUG [Timer-Driven Process Thread-293] i.a.a.internals.cache.StatementsCache Putting static cache for key CacheKey{entityClass=class package1.ClassName, operation=INSERT} 2019-02-19 09:01:32,284 DEBUG [Timer-Driven Process Thread-31] i.a.a.internals.cache.StatementsCache Preparing dynamic query : SELECT FROM db.table1 WHERE field1=:value AND field2=:value AND field3 IN :values; 2019-02-19 09:01:32,285 WARN [cluster10-worker-30] com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster Re-preparing already prepared query is generally an anti-pattern and will likely affect performance. Consider preparing the statement only once. Query='SELECT FROM db.table1 WHERE field1=:value AND field2=:value AND field3 IN :values;'

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

After enabling the logs for the *.StatementsCache, I can see the logs but I am not getting exact Idea when cache is getting full. What is the expected log to be printed in this log statement.

Total LRU cache size ?

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

Yes Total LRU cache size

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

So according to the StatementCache logs, your application is attempting to prepare multiple times the query SELECT * FROM db.table1 WHERE field1=:value AND field2=:value AND field3 IN :values;

Is your application multi-threaded ?

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

Yes Total LRU cache size

What value will be printed in this log when the prepared_statement cache reached its limit. Currently, I can see # prepared statements discarded in the last minute because cache limit reached log in cassandra.log file, but I can see only Total LRU cache size {1, 2 or 3}.

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

So according to the StatementCache logs, your application is attempting to prepare multiple times the query SELECT * FROM db.table1 WHERE field1=:value AND field2=:value AND field3 IN :values;

Is your application multi-threaded ?

Yes, our application is multi-threaded.

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

Let's me check the code, maybe we have racing conditions when accessing the cache and preparing statements

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

okay, thanks!

For below error, do you think there is something in our application code on which we should work?

prepared statements discarded in the last minute because cache limit reached

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

You're mixing cassandra log with Achilles logs.

The statement cache in Achilles is not necessarily full. The statement cache in Cassandra server is full.

How many clients (instances of Achilles) is connecting to your Cassandra cluster ?

Because maybe, each instance of Achilles has only 2/3 statements in its cache but if you have 1000 instances of Achilles connecting to the same cluster, the same statements will be prepared 1000 times and may fill up Cassandra server cache quickly

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

Okay, so that is the problem. We are having more than 5 Achilles clients for the Cassandra cluster. Am I understanding it correctly? that Cassandra creates a prepared statement again in its prepared statment cache if it is from a new Achilles client even if it has the same prepared statement in the cache.

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

Okay, so that is the problem. We are having more than 5 Achilles clients for the Cassandra cluster. Am I understanding it correctly? that Cassandra creates a prepared statement again in its prepared statment cache if it is from a new Achilles client even if it has the same prepared statement in the cache.

If it is the case then is there any solution that we can do from Achilles side or increasing of prepared statement cache is the only option.

One thing I want to add, we also have cassandra cluster where we have only one Achilles client. There also we are getting below error.

prepared statements discarded in the last minute because cache limit reached

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

I don't know how Cassandra manages its cache of prepared statements but what is sure is that if you have different Achilles clients, it can occurs that the same statement can be prepared by different Achilles instances and sent to the cluster.

Now, if you tell me that you have only 5 instances of Achilles and the cache size of each Achilles client is around 3/4, the maths do not add up to 1000s of prepared statement so there is also another problem

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

You best bet is right now activate DEBUG log on the StatementCache class from Achilles and let it run for some times and see how many statements are prepared over time

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

okay, but again as you said earlier, the logs after activating the DEBUG log on StatementCache class will be the one for which prepared statements are created in Achilles cache, not in the Cassandra cache. Right?

Below is the sample log. can I assume the each log says that a prepared statement is created? What is the meaning of operation in the logs?

DEBUG [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4] i.a.a.internals.cache.StatementsCache Putting static cache for key CacheKey{entityClass=class CLASS_NAME-1, operation=INSERT} DEBUG [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4] i.a.a.internals.cache.StatementsCache Putting static cache for key CacheKey{entityClass=class CLASS_NAME-1, operation=INSERT_IF_NOT_EXISTS} DEBUG [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4] i.a.a.internals.cache.StatementsCache Putting static cache for key CacheKey{entityClass=class CLASS_NAME-1, operation=INSERT_JSON} DEBUG [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4] i.a.a.internals.cache.StatementsCache Putting static cache for key CacheKey{entityClass=class CLASS_NAME-1, operation=INSERT_IF_NOT_EXISTS_JSON}

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

okay, but again as you said earlier, the logs after activating the DEBUG log on StatementCache class will be the one for which prepared statements are created in Achilles cache, not in the Cassandra cache. Right?

1 prepared statement in Achilles cache == 1 prepared statement also in Cassandra server cache

The logs (static cache) say that Achilles prepare ahead of time some statements that are used very often. Those are:

Those statements are always prepared when Achilles bootstrap. On the contrary, dynamically prepared statements are done when you use manager.dsl() API

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago
  1. As we are having more than one Achilles Instances and you said this can be one of the reason for re preparation of Prepared statements. Can we do something to avoid this?
  2. And prepared statement cache size is assigned independently to the kespaces we have in cassandra. Is it correct?
  3. Can It be a reason for this or Achilles is doing this for us?
doanduyhai commented 5 years ago
  1. Why do you have multiple instances of Achilles in one application ? Or do you have multiple applications using Achilles ?

  2. Yes, statements prepared by Achilles always include the keyspace name so the cache size is independent of the keyspace

  3. Achilles is doing this for you

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago
  1. You can understand this in a way that, multiple builds of the same application is running as different processes. And it is necessary for us. Is there a way to share same cache within multiple Achilles instances? It may not be possible within different VMs ie. VM 1 and VM 2 in below example. But if we can use it between multiple instances of Achilles at single VM ie. All three instances of Achilles can share same cache on VM1 below.


doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

You can share, within the same VM, the same statement cache between different Achilles instances:

StatementCache sharedCache = new StatementCache(10000);
Cluster cluster = ...

ManagerFactory_For_xxx factory1 = ManagerFactoryBuilder_For_xxx

ManagerFactory_For_yyy factory2 = ManagerFactoryBuilder_For_yyy
kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

okay thanks. Will check it. I think this will help by consuming less prepared cache then it is using now.

kapil-ksolves commented 5 years ago

Will this work for different processes what I explained above? How the other Achilles will get to know it has to pick the existing one?

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

No, it will work inside the same JVM only. For processes running in different JVM, you need a different statement cache.

But this problem is universal and not related to Achilles. If you were using the plain Java Driver, you would have the same problem e.g. you would have to prepare the same statements in different JVM