doanduyhai / Achilles

An advanced Java Object Mapper/Query DSL generator for Cassandra
Apache License 2.0
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Does achilles generate delete implicitly on insert ?? #364

Open Anil-singh opened 5 years ago

Anil-singh commented 5 years ago

I have an application and using Achilles for Cassandra, we are not firing any delete query from the application, only firing insert queries but Cassandra logs showing delete query getting fired, suspecting Achilles firing delete queries implicitly on insert operation.Does Achilles fire delete queries on insert?

doanduyhai commented 5 years ago

Does Achilles fire delete queries on insert?

-> No, Achillles is against any magic. Achilles only executes what you tell it to do, no more no less

The delete operations are fired by other clients

Cassandra logs showing delete query getting fired

--> Which Cassandra log show that ? As far as I know, in the OSS Cassandra there is no audit log to trace queries executed by clients....