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Cumination Custom Site Creator (or actually, Converter) #1062

Open ErosVece opened 1 year ago

ErosVece commented 1 year ago

This is mostly for the developers (or want to develop)....or users who want to experiment with sites and don't want their work overwritten with a new Cumination update. Plenty of possibilities πŸ˜‰

When I make a Custom site (for here, or personal modifications...or sites that aren't allowed here), I always create it as a regular site in Cumination. After it's done, I convert it to a custom site. So copying the site image, about.txt and the sites Python file to a folder, edit the Python file to be a Custom site, create a meta.json with all the information that is necessary, and zip that all. Not the most work, but I found it annoying every time 🀣

So, I thought...let's automate it. First my idea was to just make a custom site that does it: a custom site to convert Cumination sites πŸ˜ƒ But I've always wanted to do or try making a GUI with Python, but never had something useful to do it. Until now πŸ˜„

Here it is, it's now very rough, it works for me for what I want. But it could use error handling and other stuff to be better. You select the Cumination rootfolder. you click on a site (py file) from the listbox. It fills in the information from that site, you can also edit it (handy for renaming it and save a modded copy of a site). You also need to fill in the author and version number (you could simple use 1, 2 ,3 etc). Click on the big button the bottom, and you within a second you have a nice πŸ˜ƒ

image It's made with Python3 (3.10) and the module Customtkinter.

I also want to add a reverse function, so from a custom site (installed in Cumination or loading from zip) to a site in Cumination.

If there is any interest, I can share it here.If hard feelings, I just keep it to myself :)

imurreflection commented 1 year ago

Hi sir, this seems to be quite interesting concept. However, please clarify if this can b used only for existing sites in cumination or we can create for other websites as well not available in cumination as of now due to DMCA requirement. One such example is if it's applicable only on existing sites then why someone would like it to be converted to custom sites. Also, please provide the application and if possible, a detailed tutorial as well. Thanks

ErosVece commented 1 year ago

No, you can't use this to create a Python file for a site. It's not impossible, but it will be hard, to do that without you knowing anything about regular expression or Python. Every site is different, needs to be approached differently. It could be done for the easiest of sites, but that is harder.

But, it would be possible to have something spit out some sort of template, or a start with some basic elements that you have to fill or modify. Maybe also useful for myself, I'm lazy, so I always copy/paste another site and just modify :)

imurreflection commented 1 year ago

It would b wonderful if you can use your expertise and create a template to automate websites not available in cumination as custom site and this would drastically reduce site addition requests. Kindly consider

ojeojeo commented 1 year ago

I would be super interested in this. Would you still be willing to share?

Stereophobic commented 8 months ago

Any chance to use it?