dobtco / dvl-core

Base styles for the DOBT View Layer.
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Make this repo as small as possible #1

Closed jrubenoff closed 9 years ago

jrubenoff commented 9 years ago

For discussion:

I should never have to PR to more than one repo to change a UI component. Every permutation of a component's markup, styling and JS should be encapsulated in a single codebase.

Following that logic, dvl-core should only contain styles relevant to the entire application, rather than styles for just one or even a few components. This would include:

This means modals, tooltips, sidebar styles, etc. should go into their own separate repos. Also, we take out any default styling for elements we override in another component.


ajb commented 9 years ago

Sorry, didn't see this until now.

I should never have to PR to more than one repo to change a UI component. Every permutation of a component's markup, styling and JS should be encapsulated in a single codebase.

100% agree.

But I'm not sure that moving out the "common components" will help accomplish this. I was actually thinking about this the other day, and I don't see what's wrong with keeping so-called "common" components (components that would theoretically be used in almost every application we develop) inside of this one repo.

jrubenoff commented 9 years ago

Hm, I guess it's more of a style thing. Basically, I want to make Web Components without actually using Web Components, with a very rigid enforced encapsulation. It should be crystal clear which repository you need to edit to make a code change: either you're editing global styles in dvl-core, component styles in dvl-component, or page-specific styles in the app's repo.

Also, if we are taking a multi-app approach to this, there are many reasons to work towards making this repo smaller rather than bigger. If we're prototyping a redesign with new or radically modified components, we can swap those in while retaining our core styles and helper mixins. Down the line, if we want a new app to have different branding, we can just switch out the color variables while retaining everything else.

ajb commented 9 years ago

Basically, I want to make Web Components without actually using Web Components, with a very rigid enforced encapsulation

:+1:, so our "Outcome" is the same :grinning:

It should be crystal clear which repository you need to edit to make a code change: either you're editing global styles in dvl-core, component styles in dvl-component, or page-specific styles in the app's repo.

Aha, so you want all global styles in here, but all components go inside dvl-component? I hadn't thought about this possibility before.

I think some of concerns might be solved in other ways. My mindset has actually changed a little bit since I originally created the dvl-flashes repo. I think we should consider putting all of our shared view components inside of the dvl-core repo, but that they can be selectively imported in their host app. Let me explain: Right now, dvl-flashes depends on dvl-core for resets & base styles. Theoretically, dvl-component as you've described it would also depend on dvl-core for the same reason. What's the point of having two separate repos if one is dependent on the other?

If we're prototyping a redesign with new or radically modified components, we can swap those in while retaining our core styles and helper mixins.

I think we can achieve this by simply adding a components directory here. In the host app, which currently looks like:

@import 'dvl/core';

We could change it to say:

@import 'dvl/core';
@import 'dvl/components';

Or we could even be more selective:

@import 'variable_overrides'
@import 'dvl/core'; // these variables use !default so they're overriden
@import 'dvl/components/modal';
@import 'dvl/components/button';

Essentially, I think that everything you're talking about can be achieved at different level than "make separate gems", which as we've discovered, can be kinda time consuming and problematic.

Anyway, I feel like we're close to agreement, so I'm happy to hop on a hangout (maybe after the weekend?) to hammer out some of the remaining finer points. Let me know what I missed :P

jrubenoff commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I was referring to our current dvl-flashes-style naming structure. Should have written dvl-[component name].

Anyway, I think you changed my mind. Theoretically I still think separate gems are the way to go, but if I'm wrong, the consequences are much worse (having to re-bundle many gems with every change) than if we just keep them in the same repo. So let's go for it.

ajb commented 9 years ago

Cool! I'll get dvl-flashes in here soon, then!