dobtco / dvl-core

Base styles for the DOBT View Layer.
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Revised back buttons in headers #174

Closed jrubenoff closed 8 years ago

jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

Closes #172

screen shot 2015-09-29 at 12 03 20 pm

Two links in the header:

screen shot 2015-09-29 at 12 06 36 pm

In Screendoor, the "root level" is always the project.

On most Screendoor pages, the root level and the Back button will link to the same thing. But the two separate links come in handy when you go multiple levels deep. For example, you would see this when editing a message preset:

screen shot 2015-09-29 at 12 09 16 pm

ajb commented 8 years ago

Made a couple commits, go ahead and review those :smile:

One issue I'd like to resolve before we merge:

The added padding for the with_back_button modifier means that the page header's height changes when there's a back arrow. This will look janky in an application context. Visit for an example.

jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

Alright, fixed... looks good here. Not sure how it will look in Screendoor, but we can adjust as we go.

ajb commented 8 years ago

:+1: Looks great.

Let's do the PR to implement in Screendoor before merging this commit. No reason to merge before we know if it's ready.

ajb commented 8 years ago

There's not really any rush here... but I just went and rebased this off of master.

Some issues:




jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

Thanks for catching! Just fixed all of 'em.

jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

On Friday, I added #207, as well as multi-level breadcrumbs, like we discussed in dobtco/screendoor-v2#2811.

Now to implement in Screendoor...

ajb commented 8 years ago

Looks great. I agree, this is ready for implementation in Screendoor. I'll take a stab at that?

A couple of quick points for feedback:



jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

Clarified the header styles.

Re: the carets, everything's kind of a mess on mobile already. Would rather address that for the whole style guide in a future sprint.

ajb commented 8 years ago

I was actually wondering about the difference between using .button_uppercase and a regular .button. (Should have been clearer, sorry!)

Anyway, this looks great. We'll need to rebase before merging, but let's wait on

ajb commented 8 years ago

This is nitpicking, but it can't actually be a "confirmation modal". The beforeunload event is natively handled by the browser, so in the cases that we can intercept it w/ Turbolinks, we try to emulate it as closely as possible. Otherwise, the behavior would be different depending on how the user was trying to leave the page.

ajb commented 8 years ago

Rebasing in