dobtco / dvl-core

Base styles for the DOBT View Layer.
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Style icons in .blank_slate_alternative #294

Closed jrubenoff closed 7 years ago

jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

Fix issues like these, from dobtco/screendoor-v2#4311:

ajb commented 8 years ago

Can you add an example to the preview site?

jrubenoff commented 8 years ago

Icons inside .blank_slate_alternative should only appear in the loading state, so perhaps you can write some JS to simulate a loading state after a link is clicked?

ajb commented 8 years ago

I'll finish reviewing this alongside

I'm dragging my feet a bit because we already use Rails' data-disable-with pattern a bunch, which does not allow for icons. I think the icon here is kinda unnecessary, and I'd prefer to keep using data-disable-with instead of writing additional JS

ajb commented 7 years ago

I think we're just going to use "Loading..." text, without an icon.