dobtco / dvl-core

Base styles for the DOBT View Layer.
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Refactor, add splash footer, add preview app #37

Closed ajb closed 9 years ago

ajb commented 9 years ago

@jrubenoff: I don't think this needs a ton of feedback, but I wanted to run it by you first. It should go without saying, but this PR doesn't mean that I'm going to change any existing apps without approval, too -- e.g. I'm not going to modify dobtco/splash just because I've made some changes here.

Anyway, checkout this branch and run script/server to see the updated docs site (still a WIP). Not much has changed (we should be able to update inside of Screendoor without any side-effects), but I've tweaked the structure of this repo a little bit and I'm pretty happy with where it turned out:

The goal with all of this was to make it really clear which styles are "app" styles and which styles are necessary for default elements to "look right".

Remember how I thought we had "app" styles and "splash" styles? Turns out they can both inherit from the same base, as long as that base is overridable.

LMK if you have questions.