doc-analysis / TableBank

TableBank: A Benchmark Dataset for Table Detection and Recognition
Apache License 2.0
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why need -src src-test.txt for image to text opennmt? #11

Closed MuruganR96 closed 4 years ago

MuruganR96 commented 4 years ago

i was bit confused. please once explain me, help me anyone :)

i was tried this way.

python drive/My\ Drive/OpenNMT-py/ -data_type img -model drive/My\ Drive/Pretrained_Word_Embeddings/detectron_table_detection/ -src_dir drive/My\ Drive/datasets/table_dataset_sample/8.jpg \
  -output pred.txt -max_length 150 -beam_size 5 -gpu 0 -verbose

i am getting same issue. i don't know what is -src_dir & -src

usage: [-h] [-config CONFIG] [-save_config SAVE_CONFIG] --model
                    MODEL [MODEL ...] [--fp32] [--avg_raw_probs]
                    [--data_type DATA_TYPE] --src SRC [--src_dir SRC_DIR]
                    [--tgt TGT] [--shard_size SHARD_SIZE] [--output OUTPUT]
                    [--report_bleu] [--report_rouge] [--report_time]
                    [--dynamic_dict] [--share_vocab]
                    [--random_sampling_topk RANDOM_SAMPLING_TOPK]
                    [--random_sampling_temp RANDOM_SAMPLING_TEMP]
                    [--seed SEED] [--beam_size BEAM_SIZE]
                    [--min_length MIN_LENGTH] [--max_length MAX_LENGTH]
                    [--max_sent_length] [--stepwise_penalty]
                    [--length_penalty {none,wu,avg}] [--ratio RATIO]
                    [--coverage_penalty {none,wu,summary}] [--alpha ALPHA]
                    [--beta BETA] [--block_ngram_repeat BLOCK_NGRAM_REPEAT]
                    [--ignore_when_blocking IGNORE_WHEN_BLOCKING [IGNORE_WHEN_BLOCKING ...]]
                    [--replace_unk] [--phrase_table PHRASE_TABLE] [--verbose]
                    [--log_file LOG_FILE]
                    [--log_file_level {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET,50,40,30,20,10,0}]
                    [--attn_debug] [--dump_beam DUMP_BEAM] [--n_best N_BEST]
                    [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--gpu GPU]
                    [--sample_rate SAMPLE_RATE] [--window_size WINDOW_SIZE]
                    [--window_stride WINDOW_STRIDE] [--window WINDOW]
                    [--image_channel_size {3,1}] error: the following arguments are required: --src/-src

here docuentation (Image to text ) they said,

python -data_type img -model -src_dir data/im2text/images \
                    -src data/im2text/src-test.txt -output pred.txt -max_length 150 -beam_size 5 -gpu 0 -verbose

-src_dir: The directory containing the images.

then why i need -src data/im2text/src-test.txt ?

we want image to text. but src why txt. what is that can any one clarify me.

Thank you all

MuruganR96 commented 4 years ago

solution here.:)