doc-analysis / TableBank

TableBank: A Benchmark Dataset for Table Detection and Recognition
Apache License 2.0
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How to get the same validation/testing set as reported in the paper? And will the evaluation tools be publicly available? #25

Open chixma opened 3 years ago

chixma commented 3 years ago

With the same validation/testing set and evaluation tools, we can make a fair comparison between other methods and the baselines. Thank you!

liminghao1630 commented 3 years ago

We re-train both of the Table Detection and Table Structure Recognition models using Detectron2 and OpenNMT tools, update the results. We provide the validation and testing set for the new result in the MS COCO format.

chixma commented 3 years ago

@liminghao1630 Thanks for you reply! BTW, will the evaluation tools be publicly available?

liminghao1630 commented 3 years ago

@chixma This is a version I used, for reference only.