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Cloak of Tyrant Sand #247

Open doc-bok opened 3 years ago

doc-bok commented 3 years ago

It is said this cloak once belonged to the Oathean Lord of Glass, who devastated battlefields with endless torrents of sand. Some historians cite the accounts of armies ravaged by untimely catastrophic sandstorms as proof of this relic. Still others infer, from the few historical texts that remain, that this may have caused the demise of the mystical city of Oathea, along with every person on it.

Oathean Relic. When within 10 miles of Oathea, the cloak glows softly with very dim light.

Sandy Camouflage. While wearing this cloak, you can attempt to Hide in a sandy or desert environment even if you can be seen, provided you are standing still.

Oathen Desertification. The cloak has a lingering connection to the magical city of Oathea and the enchanted sand that surrounds it. When found, the cloak can hold a maximum of 1 charge. Over the course of a minute you can pour 10 ounces of Oathean Sand onto the cloakm after which the sand is absorbed and the cloak's maximum number of charges increases by 2, up to a maximum of 9. The cloak regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Desert Soul. When you start your turn standing on sand, your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn. You also gain a special tremorsense while you are standing on sand, natural earth, or unworked stone. The rang is a number of feet equal to 5 + 5 times the cloaks maximum number of charges.

Control Sand. While wearing the cloak, you can use an action to expend the necessary number of charges to magically manipulate the sand around you in the following ways. If this requires a target to make a saving throw, the DC is equal to 10 + your cloak's maximum number of charges.

Destroying the Cloak. The cloak can only be destroyed if blasted by a sand stream from the Dunebringer while draped across the Glass Throne at the mythical city of Oathea. This is a difficult task as the city has been lost for centuries and little is known about it, no one exactly knows what the Glass Throne is. Destroying the cloak signifies the end of Oathean royalty and the cloak explodes into a blast of sand. Each creature within 30 feet of the cloak must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. Then, Oathea begins sinking into the desert towards the Plane of Glass.