docToolchain / docker-image

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ARM64 Support #26

Open microsby0 opened 2 years ago

microsby0 commented 2 years ago

Need support for ARM64. Current error:

WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
rdmueller commented 2 years ago

hm. I guess that is a problem with the java binaries.

What did you do so that I can reproduce the problem?

microsby0 commented 2 years ago

Run the top example script from the README on an M1 mac.

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash -v ${PWD}:/project rdmueller/doctoolchain:rc-1.4.0 \
-c "doctoolchain . $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 -PinputPath=src/main/asciidoc -PmainConfigFile=config/docToolchain.groovy && exit"

Its a brand new machine for me so it actually took me some time to understand exactly where the issue was. M1 setup is a whole new world 😆

rdmueller commented 2 years ago

argh. I guess the binary image is not an arm one. But docToolchain runs on M1 machines, I once tested it.

You might want to check out this tutorial:

It might be that you have to force it to locally install docToolchain by using once the "local" option as first parameter like this:

cd <your project>
curl -Lo dtcw
chmod +x dtcw
./dtcw local tasks

this will install it locally to you home folder (you can just delete the .doctoolchain folder if you want to uninstall it). Make sure that you have java installed before you run this (version between 8 and 14).

regarding the docker image for M1 arm architecture - someone with an M1 machine has to figure out how to do it ;-)

microsby0 commented 2 years ago

Makes sense, I'll give that work around a try and leave this issue up and hope someone with more knowledge than me comes along.

Morl99 commented 2 years ago

I would also like this.

In order to build multi-architecture docker images, the most important thing is, that the base image also supports the relevant platforms. This is an issue with the current openjdk 13 alpine based image. I don't know of any official alpine based java image that supports arm atm. If you are willing to migrate to the debian variant of the image and update to Java 17, you could use this image.

I would be happy to set this up with you, once you upgraded the base image to a multi-platform image, we could leave this issue open until then and create a separate issue for upgrading to Java 17 and moving to debian?

rdmueller commented 2 years ago

Great. Thanx for your support. Debian shouldn't be a big issue. But jdk17 is one. But it is also already next on the roadmap

rdmueller commented 2 years ago

@Morl99 I guess I would need an M1 chip to build such an image, wouldn't I?

anyway, can't we use a debian base image and install JDK11 or JDK14 through sdkman?

Morl99 commented 2 years ago

Or you use GitHub Actions to build all of your images? (:

And sure, you could craft a java image yourself, but why would you do that? Is there a good reason to stick with a no longer supported java release?

rdmueller commented 2 years ago

Isn't jdk11 still a supported lts?

Yeah, GitHub actions would be great for the build. Do you have a bit time?

Why stick to the old version? Because in this case, an upgrade is not too easy. Too many dependencies and breaking changes

Morl99 commented 2 years ago

11 is, but 14 (that you use here) is not.

Sure, we can work on this together, cannot be that hard to figure out ;)

Morl99 commented 2 years ago

Most of what we would need can be found here: Build and push docker image GitHub action

We could spice it up with a semantic release that automatically calculates the next version based on conventional commits, if you are up to it. Basically this turns every commit on master into an automated release. There are a couple of GitHub Actions out there that achieve this, we would need to look into which one is best suited for this project.

m-gora commented 2 years ago

I might also be able to help out here. The current image is super slow on Apple Silicon.

nicolaimainiero commented 2 years ago

You can find a working example using github workflow in my repository : feel freee to copy what you need.

rdmueller commented 2 years ago

does anybody know if there is somewhere a virtual M1 available so that I can remotely test things like that?

nicolaimainiero commented 2 years ago

I think a Raspberry Pi 4 should be sufficient to test the container on the ARM64 architecture. Possibly AWS Gravitron ( is also an option.

m-gora commented 2 years ago

I tried to get something running, unfortunately it is a bit complicated and I stumbled upon countless problems.

There's a Docker blogpost how to create multiarch images:

I followed this blogpost by setting up docker buildx on my mac. However the alpine based openjdk base image does not support arm64, so i tried switching to temurin instead. Then I discovered that temurin does not use alpine as base image but some debian variant, so i had to switch out all the apk related commands.

I opted for a quick solution here, but this was just not it. A lot more research is needed here (or a multi-layer build process).

rdmueller commented 1 year ago

I would like to follow up on this issue. We now already have a github action with buildx setup. And it deploys to docker-hub. I think we are not so far away from a solution yet...