docb / dbRackSequencer

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Suggestion new module: Pitchstrip #26

Open scheichreisuli opened 5 months ago

scheichreisuli commented 5 months ago


your mouse-sequencer inspired me to the idea of a pitchstrip-module.

Some hardware has a pitchstrip, that provides a range of CV (scale from n to n1). The Arturia Keystep has two of them (pitch and mod).

What about a module in VCV-Rack that provides this functionality?

There should be a selector for the CV-range (CV-controlled knobs or right-click-menu). Clicking on a strip-position, the module provides the entire CV as long as the mouse-button is pressed. Moving the mouse while clicking provides gliding CV-values.

It would be nice to implement the option to connected the module to a midi-controller, where a knob or a slider gets the functionality of the clicked mouse-button (always pressed = on).

Maybe there is a similar module out there in VCV Rack and I have not found it yet. 'Knobs' from Vult is nice, but clicking on a strip-position to get a CV-value is a different experience.

If a similar module already exists, I beg your pardon for this post.

Btw, your collection is very nice. Thank you for this work.


docb commented 5 months ago

Hi, could you please look at the module CV (dbRackSequencer)? Maybe this does the job, or if not you may tell me what it is needed. Thanks!

scheichreisuli commented 5 months ago

Thank you for mentioning the CV-module. This module is very close to the thing I'm looking for.

The CV-module currently delivers CV-values in noticable steps over 2 octaves, not as continuous as the modules 'Knobs' or '8vert'. And it would be nice to have an input/knob to send/set/modify values for the root-CV-value and the range of the 'glider'. '8vert' offers a root-value-input, the 'Befaco DualAtenuverter' has offsets and ranges, to mention only a few modules with interesting functionalities.

I tried the mentioned modules with the CV-module, I tried envelopes with a special attack and decay to send a smoother (changing) CV-value from the CV-module. I tried Bogaudio's 'SLEW', too, but to be honest, none of my ideas did work well. None of my tries led to a solution that could compare with a hardware-pitch-strip or a knob-functionality.

I have no idea how complex it is to simulate a continuous pitch-strip. So please apologize this suggestion if it means too much work for you.

Have a nice day.

docb commented 5 months ago

Ok i have not recognized that you want to have continuous CV. But what is the difference to a simple fader or slider


In this example there is 10V put in to the slider module which has a slider ranging from 0 to 1. So the resulting CV Range is from 0-10 V. Then there is an Ofs connected. By changing offset and scale the desired output range can be achieved.

docb commented 5 months ago


of course this works also with VCV VCA

scheichreisuli commented 5 months ago


yes, that was my first idea, too, using a modulated slider.


what I have in mind is a little bit different. Moving the slider always gives you gliding CV-values. A a hardware-pitch-strip works a little bit different..

My main synthesizer, a Kurzweil K2500S (a kind of workstation) has a pretty long horizontal pitch-strip. This strip is touch-sensitive. Touching the strip at any position sends the entire pitch and a trigger/gate. This can be used for oscillator-frequency-pitch or any other modulation. The gate is open as long as the strip is touched. This can be changed to a S&H for the gate. The CV-range of the strip can be set. So you can send gliding CV-values (moving the finger while touching the strip) or single CV-values (just touch the strip at any position).

This strip is a wonderful part of the K2500S for modulation. But you can use it as a kind of 'keyboard' like a fretless bass, too.

The idea of the strip is not new. The good old Trautonium fe. already had a similar functionality. It created the sounds of the birds in Hitchcock's 'The Birds'.

Here are some video-links to show you what you can do with the idea of a pitch-strip:

Exploring the 1st Buchla 100 Modular Synthesizer [] starting at 32:00

LudoWic - Mixtur Trautonium (exercise #10) []

Prison Air Jam on Trautonium []

Oskar Sala - Live-Concert 1991 - Mixtur-Trautonium [] (please watch it to the end to see the string)

Replacing the string of the Trautonium by a touch-strip was the thing I have in mind. The CV-module is close to it. And afaik there is no module for VCV Rack that gives you the functionality of a pitch-strip.

Have a nice day.

docb commented 5 months ago

OK that sounds interesting, i will take a look into that and make a suggestion for a new module.

docb commented 5 months ago

here another approach with the XY module, does this fit somehow? If not whats the difference?