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No links for CamelCased pages in #14

Closed shlomif closed 4 years ago

shlomif commented 4 years ago


The CamelCase pages mentioned in are not linked which is inconvenient. See e.g.:

There may be similar issues on other pages, but AFAIK one cannot easily send pull-requests for GitHub wikis, which makes it harder for me to contribute.

eduardtibet commented 4 years ago

@shlomif You can require R/W access rights from @ndw , if you want to contribute actively. Ask him directly by sending private email.

shlomif commented 4 years ago

On Tue, 25 Aug 2020 05:51:40 -0700 Eduard Tibet wrote:

@shlomif You can require R/W access rights from @ndw , if you want to contribute actively. Ask him directly by sending private email.

Thanks! I'll try that.


Shlomi Fish

Before I married, I had three theories about raising children and no children. Now, I have three children and no theories. —

Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

shlomif commented 4 years ago

OK, I was given a write permission (thanks @ndw and @eduardtibet ) and fixed the links in that page, so I'll close the bug for now. My regex-fu to find other pages with broken links failed for now (but i can take a different approach).

shlomif commented 4 years ago

An update: After being given the write permission I was able to update the wiki more easily using git push and neovim. For the record, the vimscript "library" I wrote for this is this one (license is MIT/Expat):

map <F2> :s/\v<(([A-Z][a-z]*){2,})>/[\1](\1)/g<cr>
map <F3> :s#\(<c-r>/\)#[\1](\1)#<cr>
map <F4> Bv/\v([^A-Za-z]\|$)<cr>"ada[<c-r>a](<c-r>a)<esc>
let g:ackprg='ack'
Ack --sort "$(ls *.md | perl -lnE 's/\.md$//;push@x,$_;END{say "(".(join"|",@x).")"}' )" $(ls *.md | perl -lnE 'say if $_ ge "UsingX" and (!/\A[f]/)')

I'm aware it is very hacky.