docbook / xslTNG

DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
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Column width in generated HTML Table misses Pixel Unit #410

Closed frank-steimke closed 8 months ago

frank-steimke commented 9 months ago

I am using xslTNG 2.1.9 Stylesheets. I have a CALS Table with two columns, with is 40mm and 120mm. I get an HTML table with a colgroup:

   <col style="width: 151" />
   <col style="width: 454" />

The colum with in the Browser is not as expected (also in the PDF generated by Antenna House). Insepction in the Browser shows an error: invalid value for width. It is missing the unit. When i add the px unit manually, everything is fine.

Kind regards, Frank

ndw commented 8 months ago

Nice catch. At one point, I mentally generalized the rule "don't put px on 0" into "don't put px on numbers". Mostly I don't make that mistake any more. Mostly.