docbook / xslTNG

DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
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book/subtitle missing on titlepage #415

Closed frank-steimke closed 8 months ago

frank-steimke commented 9 months ago

I have a book with a title and a subtitle. Using the unmodified 2.1.9 stylesheets (with standard templates as distrubuted with this release) i have the title, author, editor etc. on my titlepage as expected, but the subtitle is missing.

I have checked the titlepage template for db:book and would expect the subtitle directly below the title. There is no problem, however, with chapter/subtitle.

If it is helpfull i can add a test document and result.

Greetings, Frank

frank-steimke commented 8 months ago

I have checked outside of Oxygen with the samples/article.xml test Document in the xslTNG 2.1.9 Distribution. When i add an subtitle Element, it appears on the titlepage as expected.

But when i add an info Element, even an empty one, the title page contains only the title, but not the subtitle. See the following snippet and the attached files.

<title>Sample Article</title>
<subtitle>Demonstates subtitle issue</subtitle>

Greetings, Frank

ndw commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the test case. I'll try to look at xslTNG issues this weekend.