docbook / xslTNG

DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
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Reference Manual: please add a hint for xinclude processing and the xi command line parameter #430

Closed frank-steimke closed 5 months ago

frank-steimke commented 8 months ago

Today i noticed a totally different behaviour in processing the same stylesheet (a customization layer of xslTNG ) between Oxygen and a plain java -jar call.

The input document was a docbook set which xincludes the books. It took me some time and a lot of frustrating trial-and-error to understand that there is no xinclude processing when i run the JAR in the way it is described in Section 2.1. Using the Jar in the Reference Manual. For xinclude processing i had to add the xi:on parameter.

So please add an hint, maybe an admonition, about xinclude processing and the xi command line parameter in Section 2.1 to save others! When you come from Oxygen, xinclude processing is done by default, thats why it didnt come to my mind that i have to switch it on.

Thanks, Frank

frank-steimke commented 5 months ago

I was working on the wrong assumptions. The 10-xinclude.xsl transform preprocessing step is supposed to expand XIncludes. Either I was simply mistaken, or there was something special about the customized stylesheet.