docbook / xslTNG

DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
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When I set 'page-style' to 'book', I cannot get the correct TOC page number in pdf file #433

Closed olderflower closed 7 months ago

olderflower commented 7 months ago

I use weasyprint to generate my pdf file. When I use <xsl:param name="page-style" as="xs:string" select="'article'"/>, I can get my pdf file correctly with TOC and page number.

But when I changearticle to book, I cannot get the correct TOC with page number. All the page numbers are '0' in toc, I want to know how to correct it.


ndw commented 7 months ago

I don't have much experience with weasyprint. I expect the thing to do is make a tiny book with four pages or something, verify that weasyprint gets it wrong, then examine the HTML to work out what it is that weasyprint doesn't like. Or what is missing in the book case that's present in the article case.

If you can work out what's confusing weasyprint, I'm happy to try to fix it in the generated HTML.

olderflower commented 7 months ago

Thanks for replying so quickly. I will try it in your way. If I need your help I will let you konw. Thank you again.

And could you recommend an open source Paged Media PDF generator to me ?

olderflower commented 7 months ago

I don't have much experience with weasyprint. I expect the thing to do is make a tiny book with four pages or something, verify that weasyprint gets it wrong, then examine the HTML to work out what it is that weasyprint doesn't like. Or what is missing in the book case that's present in the article case.

If you can work out what's confusing weasyprint, I'm happy to try to fix it in the generated HTML.

I'v made a tiny book, and I haven't change any parameters except page-style. When the parameter page-style is set to article, the HTML page was generated by : xslTNG/bin/docbook -s:pagestyletest.xml -xsl:xslTNG/xslt/print.xsl -o:PageStyle-article.html

and the pdf file was generated by: weasyprint PageStyle-article.html PageStyle-article.pdf

In the same way, I set the parameter page-style to book, and generated the html and pdf file. All the generated files have been attached. Could you help me to examine the HTML files?

PageStyle-article.html.txt PageStyle-article.pdf PageStyle-book.html.txt PageStyle-book.pdf


ndw commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the test cases. I've reproduced the problem. The only significant difference between the HTML files is the class used on the HTML element. Apparently, there's something in the CSS associated with the book-style that weasyprint doesn't like. Curiously, the error messages are exactly the same in both cases.

With a few minutes of binary searching through the CSS for rules that apply in book-style, I find that this is the culprit: .book .list-of-titles {
  break-before: right;
  counter-reset: page;

Apparently weasyprint doesn't like that.

olderflower commented 7 months ago

When set counter-reset: none; in the .book .list-of-titles I got the correct result.

Thank you very much.

ndw commented 7 months ago

Glad you got it working!