docbook / xslTNG

DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
MIT License
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Feature request: a map with information necessary for copying media files #482

Open fsteimke opened 4 months ago

fsteimke commented 4 months ago

Section 3.4 "Managing media" includes a note which states that Actually copying the media files from where they are in the source system to where they need to be in the HTML is “not our problem”. That's true, but in order to support users to solve this problem, it would be helpful when the stylesheets would provide a map (or other datastructure) which holds for every media file

Users of the stylesheets could

See the xsl:message at the end of template for h:img/@src, in default-mode m:chunk-cleanup in file chunk-cleanup.xsl (line 626 ff). Seems to display for an image uri:

Greetings, Frank