docbook / xslTNG

DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
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Catalog file ignored when using the jar file? #504

Open fsteimke opened 1 month ago

fsteimke commented 1 month ago


i have a XSLT Stylesheet as customization layer for xslTNG. It imports the xslTNG/xslt/print.xsl stylesheet and sets some parameters. The import uses an URL which does not exist in reality, but is defined in a catalog file:

<xsl:import href=""/>

<uri name="" 

It works fine within Oxygen. It does not, however, outside Oxygen when i use the JAR file (section 2.1 in the reference manual) with the -catalog parameter. Even when i add the uri/name definition in the catalag file which is part of the xslTNG Stylesheets in xslt/catalog.xml it does not work. My impression is that catalog files are ignored completely when the JAR file is used.

Or did i miss something?

Thanks in advance, Frank