docker-archive / communitytools-image2docker-win

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Generate_IIS : You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. #73

Open ohdihe opened 6 years ago

ohdihe commented 6 years ago

Still having the same issue. I don't know if the fix ever got merged because, I see the problem raised as an issue previously. Below is my -verbose output:

VERBOSE: Finished mounting image to: C:\Users\odidir\AppData\Local\Temp\226c3984-bf0a-4cc5-b410-9211fb5c8111-mount VERBOSE: Starting conversion process VERBOSE: Started discovering IIS artifact VERBOSE: Checking IIS ApplicationHost config for Windows Version: 10.0 VERBOSE: Target Image Version 10.0.14393.2272 VERBOSE: IIS service is present on the system VERBOSE: ASP.NET is present on the system VERBOSE: .NET 3.5 is NOT present on the system VERBOSE: Finished discovering IIS artifact VERBOSE: Generating Dockerfile based on discovered artifacts in :C:\Users\odidir\AppData\Local\Temp\226c3984-bf0a-4cc5-b410-9211fb5c8111-mount VERBOSE: Generating result for IIS component VERBOSE: Copying IIS configuration files VERBOSE: Writing instruction to create site Default Web Site VERBOSE: Processing source directory: C:\inetpub\wwwroot VERBOSE: Copying content from source: C:\inetpub\wwwroot, to: C:\Users\odidir\DockerFileContent VERBOSE: Writing instruction to expose port for site Default Web Site VERBOSE: Writing instruction to create site Image2DockerSite VERBOSE: Processing source directory: C:\Test_Image_Docker_Site VERBOSE: Copying content from source: C:\Test_Image_Docker_Site, to: C:\Users\odidir\DockerFileContent VERBOSE: Creating web app AppFolder/ray_app_1 VERBOSE: Processing source directory: C:\Test_Image_Docker_Site\AppFolder\ray_app_1 VERBOSE: Finished dismounting the Windows image from C:\Users\odidir\AppData\Local\Temp\226c3984-bf0a-4cc5-b410-9211fb5c8111-mount Generate_IIS : You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Image2Docker\1.8.5\Functions\Private\GenerateDockerfile.ps1:34 char:23

... ockerfile = & "Generate_$Artifact" -MountPath $MountPath -ManifestPat ...

CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Generate_IIS], RuntimeException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull,Generate_IIS
adente commented 6 years ago

The pr is still open, I edited the ps script with the fix and it works.

bkelley-nasb commented 5 years ago

WHich PR solved your problem? Running into this as well and could use some guidance.