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ECS: Redid security group generation for LBs #2215

Open BackSlasher opened 1 year ago

BackSlasher commented 1 year ago

What I did The ECS stack includes an ingress rule to allow LB to reach the tasks. However, the ingress was added inside the Docker network security group, exposing all containers to requests on this port from This means tasks that don't have exposed ports on the compose spec, and possibly contain unprotected sensitive endpoints, were exposed to outside access (I personally had a NodeJS Express server getting /.env hit by random scrapers).

We now do the following:

  1. Do not touch the network security group. It only contains one rule, allowing cross-task communication inside the network.
  2. Create a per-service "LB" security group, attached to the load balancer, exposing the published ports for outside access
  3. Create a per-service "Service" security group, attaching it to the services' tasks, allowing access from the LB on the specified ports

Why is this better

  1. Other sensitive tasks in the same network as port-exposing ones remain unaccessible, except for other tasks on the network
  2. The port-exposing tasks are only accessible by the LB (not outside access)
  3. The LB is exposed to the outside, and in turn can only access the port-exposing tasks (and not other tasks on the same networks)

Related issue

Solves #1783

Manual testing A bit long:

Modify the slightly-complex stack to have a real VPC and subnets, then create it:

set -eu
cd ecs
go test . -update
perl -pe 's/vpc-123/vpc-XXXXXXX/ ; s/subnet1/subnet-YYYYY/ ; s/subnet2/subnet-ZZZZZ' -i testdata/slightly-complex-cloudformation-conversion.golden
aws us-east-1 cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name slightly-complex
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name slighlty-complex --template-body file://$(realpath testdata/slightly-complex-cloudformation-conversion.golden) --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

Reminder, the Compose looks like this:

    image: nginx
      - "80:80"

    image: httpd

Both tasks have a public IP, but they're not accessible from the outside: image

~$ curl --connect-timeout 5
curl: (28) Connection timeout after 5001 ms


$ curl --connect-timeout 5
curl: (28) Connection timeout after 5001 ms

However, the LB is accessible and responding:

$ curl --head
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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