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Confusing/Outdated LinuxKit tutorial #874

Open codevbus opened 6 years ago

codevbus commented 6 years ago

The tutorial/instructions for getting LinuxKit working are confusing and/or out of date.

The POC video:

appears to reference a demo playbook which does not exist.

The docs in the repo:

don't create a valid/working playbook:

$ infrakit playbook add linuxkit
WARN[02-18|19:31:30] Cannot build flags                       module=cli/playbook operation=scale-group url= err="template: function \"managerCommit\" not defined"
WARN[02-18|19:31:30] Cannot build flags                       module=cli/playbook operation=scale-group url= err="template: function \"managerCommit\" not defined"
found 1 commands cached file:///Users/mike/.infrakit/playbook-cache/linuxkit/infrakit/playbooks/linuxkit/index.yml
$ infrakit playbook ls
PLAYBOOK                URL                                                 CACHE
linuxkit                file:///Users/mike/build/infrakit/docs/playbooks/linuxkit/index.yml
$ infrakit playbook linuxkit -h

Manage playbooks

  infrakit playbook [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add a playbook
  ls          List playbooks
  rm          Remove playbooks
  update      Update a cached playbook

  -q, --quiet   Print rows without column headers

Global Flags:
      --log int                       log level (default 4)
      --log-caller                    include caller function (default true)
      --log-debug-V int               log debug verbosity level. 0=logs all
      --log-debug-match stringSlice   debug mode only -- select records with any of the k=v pairs
      --log-debug-match-exclude       True to exclude; otherwise only include matches
      --log-format string             log format: logfmt|term|json (default "term")
      --log-stack                     include caller stack
      --log-stdout                    log to stdout

Use "infrakit playbook [command] --help" for more information about a command.
v1k0d3n commented 6 years ago

yeah i've just experienced the same thing. i think infrakit and linuxkit have great potential, but if the demo's aren't working, it could impact early adoption.

The issue I'm having is:

$ infrakit playbook add linuxkit
WARN[03-20|08:49:56] Cannot build flags                       module=cli/playbook operation=linuxkit url= err="template: unexpected bad number syntax: \"2F\" in command"
found 0 commands cached file:///Users/p2738971/.infrakit/playbook-cache/linuxkit/docker/infrakit/blob/v0.5/docs/playbooks/linuxkit/index.yml

I did try to clear cache when testing, and this still resulted in:

$ infrakit playbook add linuxkit
WARN[03-20|08:55:23] Cannot build flags                       module=cli/playbook operation=scale-group url= err="template: function \"managerCommit\" not defined"
WARN[03-20|08:55:40] Cannot build flags                       module=cli/playbook operation=scale-group url= err="template: function \"managerCommit\" not defined"
found 1 commands cached file:///Users/p2738971/.infrakit/playbook-cache/linuxkit/infrakit/playbooks/linuxkit/index.yml

Could it be that my environment isn't set up correctly? I installed per instructions, but want to rule out that what I'm experiencing isn't a one-off because of setup.

chungers commented 6 years ago

There have been refactoring in the playbook API and consequently the Linuxkit examples need to be fixed. I will update these shortly.

Gabology commented 6 years ago

Chiming in to mention that the example under /pkg/plugin/flavor/swarm does not work either, seems to be an issue with the shell script. Getting the following errors after running it:

EROR[03-13|15:06:16] Err node inspect module=flavor/swarm err="Error: No such node: "
EROR[03-13|15:06:17] Err node inspect module=flavor/swarm err="Error: No such node: "
EROR[03-13|15:06:17] Err node inspect module=flavor/swarm err="Error: No such node: "
EROR[03-13|15:06:18] Err node inspect module=flavor/swarm err="Error: No such node: "
v1k0d3n commented 6 years ago

that's great @chungers. i'm looking forward to the updates/changes.

Vanuan commented 5 years ago

See #912