docker-archive / docker-registry

This is **DEPRECATED**! Please go to
Apache License 2.0
2.89k stars 877 forks source link

Rename Repository #1045

Closed darint00 closed 8 years ago

darint00 commented 8 years ago

I've seen other issues about this. Let me explain what I need to do. We have a repository that was named too specific. Now we have an updated docker image that name doesn't apply. We want to push the update image, but maintain the stars/downloads metadata information. This is the use case we have in "renaming" the current docker hub repository. So we can maintain that information, and then push the updated docker image.

dmp42 commented 8 years ago

For Docker Hub issues, you should contact

This here is the open-source registry (and it's the deprecated version - the current version lives in docker/distribution).